Page 255 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 255
Petroleum affairs
the Bahrein petroleum company limited
Maudlin Island. Pkhsian'Gulf.
T 1-^ M ^ j ^
CON-120 Deoamber, 1952*
Jl ^iJI jcJIl-.'-L1 i Hla Highnoso Shaikh Olr Sulronn bln Ilemad
nl Khrlifeh, K.C.M.O., K.C.Z.K.
♦li • kS t • u~ • J* * o*“ • f' • i>- • J MJIJJl OF BAHHAIN.
I r J-C »LAj After Qroetlngoi
.k i; iSy. ^1* 0l J I horo tho honour to adrise that Tha
Ulfi oiu>l JJj ( i Jj j>«JI Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited, haring
L>---- • Jf* O4 J 1 x bean informed of Daorae No. 8 , Issued
iiiJIj « MM i -J 1 by Tour Highness on 6 December, 1952.
J----->-jJI J* ft « , o ♦ Imposing a 50-50 tax upon income from the
•*!> Jlj ^liJl JallM oLa^m ^ I sales of orudo petroleum end other natural
I I A*AyUl 1 ^yy^yj I hydrocarbons produced and extracted from
J 0*J u*j^ O* the ground and from under the seabed
1 0 Iww^lJ i-ArfU I belonging to Bahrain, submits to the tax
• jJU iJuLu dJ J ao imposed by that Deoree and made applicable
to the Company.
1 x TV I ft./*I j* l**5 Kxoopt for the applicability of this
1 tax deoroo, all the prorislona of the
\ \ v t Liw j 11 iy Ululng Louse, dated 29 Deoamber I934, as