Page 256 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 256

646                       Records oj Bahrain

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               ^'‘'ll l iwLjiVij 1 \                 nmondod, and oil other oxlotlng ngreeaents
                                                     botwoon Your llighnoss end the Oocpenjr f
               A. ..... I A-Nm. JL 4 J J I i'^Jl  O>0
                                              AlJI   ranoln, of oourue, In offeot.

                            }\      L ciyJl U,           We hevo the honour to be,
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                               \ J-i- cjZi ,;,1          Your Hlghnooe' Obedient Servants,
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                                                      Till! DAIDtKIN PliTHOLEUM OOUP/KT LIMITS).
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                     »U1K •                                     K. U, Brown.
                      ~j\\     1 J^J\                     Chlof Loonl HepresentetlTe.

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