Page 257 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 257
Petroleum affairs 647
the Bahrein petroleum company limited Island. Pkiisian Gulf.
V Y—tf/- MM n cou-306 l6 Docombor, 19'j2«
4 m«L> JI j« ^V4.< JI I u 111u iilchnooa Gholkh Sir Uulman bln Hamad
♦<j • o;' • • J < • cyr- • f • • J nl Khnllfnh, K.C.M.G., K.C.I.hL,
jo; Afbor Grootingo:
L^L—- jy I jfrj\ U^.JI ^1 T hovo tho honour to confirm that In l$a
J ■■ *•» l 'J compulation of lnoomo oubjoot to taxation the
2 _*JU ^VG-1 L
Company cun not make any doductlano in reapoot
cJ . ,.*Ji ^5cUy jl of any i.ionotnry Judjjaentu or fines whloh might
— i J>uJl c-LV^J\ ^ QS11
LX result from lha InvootlgntIon Into alleged oil
■ iSj ^^ A«<« J L jl Ljc|< iuU c.\ j l'-wl
cnrlolu whloh tlio Unltod Utotoa Oovammont la
• 4^ jbj* ^>j >l ol *1»>•! now conducting or of law aulto or other
proceed lugs coimootod thorewlth.
< JI *-<^*•1 L Llj Vio hovo tho honour to bo,
^Jjim a)* u' Your lllc.linoea' Obodlont Oorvanta,
4 Jj *L»iJ I I luj i!)jf. •m.:^o* p :r;oi:ini ooi*»*hy i.n.'mi).
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II. 11. Urov;n.
.-*^1 \ \ J-* J \ Ohlof Loonl l.oprocontutive.