Page 273 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 273
Petroleum affairs
6. An regardo olJicr employers of labour, Holloway
Bros. (London) Ltd., who employ between 300 and IjOO coolies
and are recruiting more for work on the new runway at the
airfield, were until recently pay ing Us 3/0 a day with
un extru day's pay to those working 6 days in a week; but
on April ?L\ they increased the rate to tic oauc figure as
tliat paid by tic Public Works Department, viz. Ha i\/12 a
duy, at the name time abolishing the attendance bonus.
II.M. Ministry of Works, v/ho employ some i<5 unskilled
labourers on the new Residency site, have for some time
been paying their coolies Rs I|/0 for an 0-hour day, and
men wlo work 6 duys in a week get an extra day's pay.
7. We are sending copies of this letter to the
Development Divioion of the British Middle East Office,
to Mr. Audsley in Cairo , to II. M. Embassies in Baghdad and
Jedda, and to the Political Agencies in Bahrain, Kuwait
and Qatar.
Yours ever,