Page 278 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 278

668                       Records of Bahrain

                           While the now terms had not yet boon completely

                           agreed with tho Saudi Govornmont there appeared
                            to bo virtually no doubt that this particular
                            item would be accepted by both parties,  In these
                            circumstances the Bahrain Petroleum Company
                            were favourably disposed to the idea of making

                            a similar 'arrangement in Bahrain cind were actively
                            studying its implications. Tho proposal undor
                            consideration was that, instead of the present
                            import tax of 2.63 cents a barrel on imported

                             oil, the Bahrain Petroleum Company should charge
                             a refinery processing fee of 8 cents a barrel,
                             of which the Bahrain Government v/ould get half
  i                          in tax. This v/ould raise t.he Bahrain Government’s
                             revenue on refining operations from 2.63 cents

                             to 4 cents a barrel and would put them on exactly
                             tho same footing as Saudi Arabia in this respect.
                             Among the implications which the Company believed
                             had to bo studied were the effect on the agreement
                             between them and Her Majesty’s Treasury as regards

                              the use of sterling funds, and a change in tho
                             Bahrain Government income tax law (which is applied
                              to the Company under Queen’s Regulation No. 4
                              of 1952), since in its present form this appears
                              to apply only to the production and not tho
                              processing of oil.


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