Page 281 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 281
Petroleum affairs 671
removal of liydrogon sulphide) whereas the prices
quoLed Tor Saudi Arabian crude and, he beliovod,
most other Persian Gulf-.orudos, were for stabilised
oil. He was* infprmpcV l^y/ever that if the question
of quality (as opposed!-£0“ gravity) was introduced
into the calculatiqn of-the price this would bo
• • vr* T' '
to Bahrain1 s disadvantage, since the oil produced
- • • ; (i. ; '• ••• *. /
here is in ott}pp/reppect$, inferior to that produced
in Saudi Arabia. This matter had therefore been
7. I am sending copies of this despatch to
the Political Agent, Bahrain, and to the Political
Agency at Kuwait for Mr. Reilly.
I have the honour to be,
with the highest respect,
Your obedient Servant,
(B.A.B. Burrows)