Page 275 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 275

Petroleum affairs                     665

                  so it appears that on tho question o.r tux payments
                  on the oil produced (Yom tho concussion tho toiler
                  is being brought into lino v/iUi the treatment or Uio
                  other oil nronucinrj status in the Persian Gulf-
                  There should therefore bo no nnod for him l.o open
                  discussions on this question in accordance with tho
                  Company's promise to do so if othor states received
                  substantially bettor tonus.
                       Tho concession payments on Uio refinery were
                  defined in No. (1) of Uio six points of amendment
                  listed in the supplementary agreement  botwoon
                  the liulur of Bahrain and BAl'CO dated December B,
                  19bo. in this supplementary agreement tho Company
                  agreed to pay a fee of 2f ponco sterling per barrel
                  or foreign crude brought-into and refined in Bahrain.
                  This foe works out to approximately 1/bd per ton.
                  As you know in tho Persian sottlemont it was agreed
                  that, the separate company Conned to operate tho
                  Abadan refinery should doclaro a profit of L>/-d
                  per ton on Uio oil refined and that this profit should
                  bo subject to bO/o tax. Consequently the Persian
                  Government receives 2/Gd on every ton of throughput.
                  1 asked Mr. Skinner how they felt they would bo
                  affected by this settlement. Mr. Skinner described
                  at some length the hisUiry of tho growth of the
                  refinery at Bahrain. He said that it was decided
                  to uuila tho refinery on tho island mainly fox* two
                  reasons; (i) because of tho stability pi’omisod hy
                  tho presence of Her Majesty  s Government, and (ii)
                  because of the promise that  the refinery should not
                  be subject to taxation,    Because of those favourable
                  conditions tho refinery had continually lieon expanded
                  until now its recognised capacity was 11113,000 barrels
                  per day « nd actually a throughput of ;:10,000 nam.-ls
                  had boon r..-ached. He maintained that i t was mere
                  economical to build refineries in the distributing
                  countries than at tho producing end and it was
                  only economical to'refine at Bahrain because of Uio
                  special conditions. Ho said tint those matters had
                  been explained to the toiler on many occasions, lie
                  fult that it was a mistake too slavishly to follow
                  tho Persian pattern and that as circumstances
                  varied fi*om one country to another sumo variation
                  in the concession arrangements was desirable. When
                  1 asked him whether it might not cost the Company
                  less to pay the refinery dues in the form of to  A
                  which could bo set off against the taxation of the
                  parent companies in the United States, he maintained
                  that this could only be done if dividends wore

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