Page 349 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 349

3rd population census, 1959                739


                                  Table 2
                    Geographical Diatri but ion of the Population
                                      1941         1990        1939
                   M xnamah           27,039      39,640       55,541

                   Moharraq & Iledd   21,439      25,977       31,555
                   Other towns &
                     villagea         39,164      40,579       52,916
                   Ships at anchor
                    & Awali            1,532       3,046        3,123
                                      09,970     109,650      143,135
                   VorcGntago change                °/o          *

                   Manamah                        43.0         40.0
                   Moharraq & Iledd               19.5         23.4
                   Other towns &
                    villages                       3.5         30.4

                   Ships at anchor &
                    Awali                        251.0        -10.0
                     Total                        21.9         30.5
                   Note:- In 1959 figures for Manamah and Moharraq
                           exclude small villages classed as suburbs in
                           the census returns,    Those have been includ.
                           with 'Other towns and villages'.. Foreign
                           ships at anchor wore not included in 1959
                           and sailors on Bahrain registered vessels wo*’
                           assigned to the towns and villages in which
                           they normally reside.    Shift workers at
 *:                        Awali on the night of the 1950 census were
                           included as part of the Awali population; i:
                           1959 they were included in the population of
                           the town3 and villages in which they reside.
                           Thus the comparison of the last category in
                           the table 'Ships at anchor and Awali' should
                           be made with these factors in mind, or better
                           still, not made at all.
                         In May 1959 61# of tho total population of the

                   Sheikhdom were living in Manama, Moharraq and Iledd.
                   This compares with 60# in 1950 and 55# in 1941.
                   Manama has been growing twice as rapidly as the other
                   townsi its population having doubled since 1941.
                   The rapid growth between 1950 and 1959 J'.iay have beer

                   accounted for by tho increase of tho immigrant
                                                           population /
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