Page 351 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 351
3rd population census, 1959 741
the very opocial character of the Bahrain economy in
which agriculture plays but a small part.
In ordor to avoid excessive detail in the census
schedule, the only question asked about housing
related to the type of house, whether of stone,
concrete, barasti or other typos of construction.
In addition, information was obtained regarding the
number of separate households living in each house.
Table 4
Houses classified b.y typos
Stone Barasti Other Total
Manama 6,721 2,048 55 8,824
Manama Suburbs 395 416 2 813
Moharraq 3,884 474 3 4,361
Moharraq Suburbs 574 174 748
Ilodd & Urn al
Shajar 652 51 703
E. & W. Rifaa 1,022 58 54 1,134
Sit ra 457 85 542
Jidhafs 527 151 1 679
Awali 344 606 950
Total Urban Areas 14,576 3,457 721 18,754
Villages 2,719 521 36 3,276
TOTAL 17,295 3,978 757 22,030
The figures in Table 4 include only dwellings
occupied at the time of the census and consequently
visited by census enumerators. No information is
available regarding the number of empty houses but
the30 are probably relatively few. In the Sheikhdom
as a whole 78.5# of the houses occupied at the time of
the census were built of stone, 18.1# were barastis
and 3.4# other types. Most of the latter were
bungalows, built mainly of wood, at Awali. In the
urban areas barastis accounted for slightly more
than 18# of the occupied dwellings while in tho rural