Page 353 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 353

3rd population census, 1959               743


                 incrouao In blio total population of the Sheikhdom,
                 the total population increasing by 30$ while the*
                 number of dwellings increased by 35$.      This does not

                 allow for changes in the proportion of unoccupied
                 houses at the two censuses.     However, the increase
                 has been very unevenly distributed so that in Manama
                 the number of dwellings increased by 55$ while the
                 population increased by J»0$ whereas in Moharraq and
                 Hedd tho number of dwellings increased by only 12$
                 compared with an increase of population of 23$.
                 In tho other towns and villages the rates of increase

                 in population and housing v/ere identical for all
                 practical purposes at 30$.     It should be noted that
                 these comparisons refer to all dwellings, bnrastis
                 and others.    For this reason it may be that Manama

                 comes out of tho comparison more favourably than
                 would be the case if it v/ere possible to show
                 separately the changes in the numbers of the different
                 types of dwellings.     The proportionately largo number
                 of bnrastis in Manama in 1959 suggests that part of

                 tho rapid growth of the town may have been accounted
                  for by an increase in the number of bnrastis.      If
                 this is the case then the favourable picture of the
                 ratio of the increase in tho number of dwellings to
                 the increase in tho population would be modified since
                 all that might have been happening io an increase in

                 the number of poorer type dwellings.
                                                            Table 6/
   348   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358