Page 357 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 357
Education and training 747
conridlntJial Uritish Residency,
No. 53 DAHllAIN.
(17^1/29/57) ... April 19, 1957.
• • • I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of a
letter from II. M. Political Agent at Bahrain about a proposal
that the Bahrain Government should exercise supervision over
private schools in Balu^ain, I agree generally with the views
expressed in the last paragraph of Mr. Gault's letter that wo
should not oppose the Bahrain Government's wishes in this
matter though we may hove important comments to make on the
degree of supervision to be exercised over those schools Y/hich
are wholly or predominantly engaged in the education of
persons subject to our jurisdiction, The raising of this
question now is an inevitable consequence of the establishment
of the kducation Council and I think it is a perfectly lieulthy
6ign that this Council and the Bahruin Government generally
should wish to assert themselves more thoroughly with regurd
to the standards of education obtainable by citizens of
Bahrain. It mu6t be one of the general objects of our policy
to encourage the comparatively moderate and responsible
elements who now compose the Bahrain administration and the
nominated departmental councils to build up their authority
"and to feel that wc are not putting any obstacles in the way
of their exercise of their intornal independence.
Tiie Right nonouraoie aeiwyn Lloyd, C.B.&., M.P •»
etc., etc •» etc • i
T'oreign Office,