Page 362 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 362
752 Records of Bahrain
Icnw Mr. Smith ut hio request this morning about the
Patents9 Designs and Trade Marks Regulation and when we had
finished the projected legislation was mentioned.
2. On the subject of schools I asked whut was the main
concern. Mr. Smith said it was the Iranian school. They were
not interested in purely foreign schools and would not mind if
wo retained complete control of them. They were interested in
foreign schools which take Arab pupils and they wanted to make
sure that the teaching of Arabic to them was adequate.
3. I made it clear that I was talking off the record and
really wanted to clear my mind as to the Government’s intentions.
4. I think it would be acceptable if we suggested thutj-
a) all schools owned by persons subject to our
jurisdiction to be licensed by the Political
(2) the syllabus to be approved by the Political
Agent after consultation with the Director of
(3) Inspection to bo by a person upproved by the
Political Agent but to show our desire to
co-operate we would invite Government
Inspectors to attend as observers*
(4) in schools taking Arab students the syllabus
of Arab language would be in accordance with
that approved by the Director of Education. -
5. I told Mr. Smith that I was thinking on these lines
ond if he saw no objection I would put up the suggestion for
consideration. He suld that he thought it would be
June 3, 1956o
1 s