Page 359 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 359
Education and training 749
may be undor our jurisdiction on the understanding that the objects
of this supervision wj.11 bo primarily to ensure that Bahrainis
receive adequate education in the Arabic lunguuge und that no
pupils are obliged to receive instruction in a religion other than
their own. I would like also to suy that v/e are prepared to mako a
Queen's Regulation embodying the terms of the draft ordinance enclosed
in Mr. Gault's letter but at the same time to point out ’that this
does not really get them very far and that v/e shall wish to be
consulted about the terms of any other ordinance it may later be
desired to make and by which the schools would be obliged to submit
themselves \o directions from the Education Department, This v/ould
not of course preclude the Education Department making amicable
arrangements with individual schools on a voluntary basic meunwhilo.
I shall be grateful if I may receive very early instructions.
4. I am sending copies of this despatch to Gulf posts.
X have the honour to be,
With the highest respect,
Your obedient Servant,
(D.A.B. Burrows)