Page 361 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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Education and training 751
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All thoso ocholarohip holdoro aro following academic couraoo
at Colleges and Univorsi tion, but tho Bahrain Government nlao h 1a a
achomo for enabling itn officialo to gain further knowledge and inotruc-
tion in their varioua ficldo of activity ao that thoy can occupy posts
of groutor roaponoibility in tho future. Officiala from ne rly evory
Government Department havo boon aent to the Unitod Kingdom to 3tudy and
work in tho Dopartmonto similar to tho ones to which they bolong in
Bahrain ao that they can obtain a hotter idea of modern methods and
systems. A liunicipal Secretary has been on ouch a visit, ao havo polico
officers and toachoro. An official of Radio Bahrain has studied with
tho British Broadcasting Corporation. Tho uonior Bahraini officiala in
the Customs Department have all made extenoivo visits to porta in
England with a view to wokkerg in tho new Port of Manama. Paoaport and
Land Dopartmont officiala have aloo attended couraoo and there are at
present ty/o Bahrainis ut ono of London's leading hospitals studying
hospital management. All Government officials hope thut oomotimo they
will bolchosen to attend one of thesecoui'ooo of study outside Bahrain.
In those wj.ys the Bahrain Government is showing ita interest
both in the academic and practical training of Bahrain is for tlit
No. 12/1957
26th Auguot, 1957*