Page 360 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 360
750 Records of Bahrain
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In thio duy and ago no country can m&lco progress without a
body of well-educated men and women to provide tho technical know-how
and general education roquired to orgnise and administor tho variouo
activities that tako place in tho Stato. The Bahrain Government shows
its awareness of this fact not only by maintaining a large educational
systom in Bahrain itself but also by making availablo a number of
scholarships each year for tho gradualos of tho boys' and girls' schools
to nttond univorsitieo abroad. Thoso scholarships covor not only tho
cost of tuition but also board, clothing and pocket money so that the
student is not roquired to spend any of his ov/n monoy while studying.
Thio year, for cxamplo, six Bahraini boys havo'bocn awarded scholarships
to the Amoricun Univeroity of Beirut and two Bahraini girls have boon
*. sent to the Ahliya College, also in Beirut.
In addition to thoso new scholarship holders there aro now
sixteen Bahraini youths studying at Government expenso in Beirut, Four
: of these students are studying medecine, two are studying public admin**
iotrntion, one is studying educetion, one is in tho School of Pharmacy
and ono is in tho School of Engineering. The remainder of tho students
have not yet begun to specialise and aro on thoir gonoral studios, Thoro
are also four girl scholarship holders in Beirut, in addition of to two
now students that have been sent thio year, one at tho British Lebanese
Training College, who will finish her froohman course next yoar, and
three at tho Beirut College for Women. There are also two Government
scholarship holders in Egypt, at the American University of Cairo, and
five in Baghdad, who have been sent by tho Shi a Wakf Dopartrnont. Tho
Government has also sent tv/o Bahraini girls to study in tho United
Kingdom, ono, when oho has pasaodtho nocoooury examinations, will st«
medecine, and the other will become a nurse. All those Government
students, but alongside thorn thoro aro working numerous other students
from Bahrain who have been paid for by thoir p; rents, or those who have
received scholarships from the Governments of tho countrios in which
they aro studying. For example tho Government of Iraq has rosorvod
seven places for Bahraini students paying their feos and lodging. Tho
Bahrain Government contributes to the upkoop of the students by p.'.yiMg
them a monthly allowance for thoir.extra expenses.