Page 367 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 367
Health and medical care 757
The Soorotary,
Government of Bahrain.
We have the honour to onolosc herewith a roport on the modleal and
health services of Dahrain for submission to His Highness, with
recommendotIons for their re-organization and Improvement,
V/o feel deeply honoured at bolng entrusted with this Important
task and hope that the results of our work will prove of value to
Bahrain and will meet with the satisfaction of His Highness and Ills
Hlghnoss 1 s Governniont.
Y/e would like to explain that In this report, the possible defects of
the Medical and Health Sorvlcos aio emphasized In comparison with Its
accomplishments so that recommendations can be made to remedy those
defects. We wish therefore to express our personal oplnloh that the
medical and hoalth services of Bahrain uro on the whole of a good
standard. In pnrtloulnr wc were Impressed by the popularity among the
Public of the facilities given by the Hospitals and by the exceptionally
efficient and comprehensive organization for maternity work, We have
avoided discussing details in this report so that the 'wood will not bo
missed for the treea'but, wo have of course dealt with details In our
conversations v/lth officials concorncd. Finally wo should like to
express our sincere thanks to tho officials of Ills Highness's Governniont
for all the kindness and co-operation v/o have received, without which
our task would have been very difficult.
Wo wish the medical organization of Bahrain every success in their
future progress.
V/e have the honour to be
Your Obedient Servants