Page 369 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 369

Health and jncdical care                 759

         adverse ollmatlo conditions.   Constant efforts by tho health
         authorities and the full co-operation of tho local authorities and

         public arc essential to maintain public health effectively under
         tropical conditions no in Bahrain.    It is satisfactory to note tho
         wall-equipped offloient tuberculosis organization which is combating
         what is probably the most serious public health problem at tho present
         time, .

                              SECTION II ADMINISTRATION

               The present headquarters organization is now qulto inadequate
         owing tottho rapid development of tho Hodloul Department and wo con­
         sider that a woll-bnluncod unit on tho lines proved best in other
         countries must bo established at once as a matter of urgency.
         1)1 Health Council J-

                The enthusiasm of the members of tho Health Counoil and thoir
         keen desiro to do all in their power to ensure that the Medical
         Department is efficiently run are most encouraging and gratifying.
         We consider that the Council should be of great value in maintaining
         and improving tho publlo health of Bahrain and it should therefore
         have a collective responsibility and the Vresident of tha council

         should be given the duties of a Minister of Health in other countries,
          including the implementation of decisions on higher policy tukeri by
          tho counoil. .Ho should therefore have an office in medical head**
         The following headquarter organization is therefore recommended.

                1) .   VVesideft Health Council.
                2) ,   A Director of Medical Services.
                3) .   Deputy Director Public Health (with a diploma in Publlo
               4) . Assistant Director Curative Medicine.
                5) ,   Assistant Director Laboratory Sorvlcos, and Medical
                6)   ,Principal Matron.
               The attaohed tablo makes thlB organization dear.
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