Page 372 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 372

762                        Records of Bahrain
                  patients.   XU in therefore recommended that there should be a
                   "Medical Supcrlntondont" responsible to the Assistant Director
                  Curative Services for tho administration of tho Men's, tho Women1b,

                   the Maternity, tho Mental and tho Tuberculosis Hoopltuls.    «» now
                   Mon's Hospital should bo built adjacent to the New Women's Hospital
                   in the lntorost of ooonomy and efficiency.   Tho five hospitals should
                   now be considered ns ono hospital for administrative purposes,    This

                   hospital might be called "The Bahrain General Hospital" and tho above
                   mentioned Hospitals would be sections of this hospital. This would
                   conform with tho modern conception of having a Psychiatric section as
                   part of the general hospital. Tho small maternity hospitals at
                   Muharraq,' Rafa'a and Hidd, could, conveniently be administered as
                   part of the maternity section of this hospital. The medical super­
                   intendent will have the matron, the hospital scoretury and the heads

                      the specialist divisions directly responsible to him as shown In
                   the attached chart. The heads of divisions will be responsible for
                   all beds In all sections of the Hospital allotted to their speciality.
                   2). Specialists

                          The following list of specialists all with higher qualifications
                   arc recommended for the Bahrain General Hospital,
                          a) .   Surgical Division :~
                                Chlef Surgeon in charge            1
                                General Surgeon                    1

                                Orthopaedic Surgeon                1
                                Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist 1
                                Qualified Anaesthetist             2
                          b) , Medical Division :~

                                Chief Physician                    1
                                Physiolan (oardlologlst)           1
                                Pedlatrlolan                       1
                            I   Tf * * <9   • Alt •• l •   •   •«   «
                                “w«« v/i vuoboi/riutu. unu
                                Gynaecological Seotion             1
                                Oynaooologlst 6: Obstetrician      1
                          d). Ophthalmologlcal Section:-
                                Chief Ophthalmologist              1
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