Page 374 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 374
764 Records of Bahrain
economy in staffing and efficiency of nursing and services, There should
be only ns many small words as necessary taking into account the social
habits and customs of the people and the standard ward should bo one of
about 20 bods with the sister's station and desk so situated that oho
has ready aocess to, and oan see as far as possible every bed in the ward.
The ward of course oan be divided into smaller sections by very low
The operating theatre unit should be of the most modern design.
An up-to-date mechanical laundry and a well planned modern kitchen
are essential. Spooial attention should be given to the out-patlentB
and casualty departments which should be designed to provide ample wait
ing accommodation. The hospital out-patients departments are at present
too crovided for efficiency or ooinfort. It is recommended, that out
patient ollnlcs should bo established at convenient places in the towns
in order to relieve the pressuro.
4). Training of Hospital Staff.
The very well equipped and efficient nurses training school is
likely to develop into a model of its kind, and it is recommended there-r
foro that a similar training sohool should be provldod for the male
nursing staff with its own Bister tutor in charge.
1). Organization,
There should be a Medical Officer of Health (N.O.H.) Bahrain under
the Deputy Director Fublio Health with an assistant Medical Officer of
Health (Assistant M.O.H.). Both must have a diploma in Public Health.
The Medical Officer of Health would devote his activities to the towns
of Manama, Muharraq and Hidd; supervising Quarantine work at the air-*
port and sea-ports, and maintaining a liaison with tho non-government
modlcal organizations working in Bahrain. The assistant Medical Officer
of Health would supervise all rural health and medical activities, the
school medical services and sooial medlolne, A senior health inspector