Page 378 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 378

768                        Records of Bahrain


                  la therefore Btrongly reoomniended that; legislation for the oompuloory
                  registration of Births nnd Deaths should be enacted,

                  9).   rublio Health Legislation s-
                        In order that the health organization can carry out Its duties
                  satisfactorily, It is essential that Legislation on the following
                  subjects should be enacted l.f not already In force.
                        (a)   Anti-malaria oontrol.
                        0>)   Registration oif Births C: Deaths.

                         (o)  Registration of Doctors.
                         (a)  Registration of Midwives•
                         (o)  Public Health Including control of Public Establishments,.
                              and Drainage.

                         (f)  Town Planning.
                         Us)  Quarantine.
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