Page 375 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 375
Health and medical care 765
should bo posted In Manama and ono In Muharraq island. There should
also be a senior health inspector allotted to the Rural Arens.
2). Sanitation.
Tho health servioes of Bahrain are well organlzod and efficient
although under-staffod and Bahrain 1g a comparatively healthy island,
but much remains to bo done to improve public health and much more co
operation is required from the municipal authorities nnd tho public, as
well as effective legislation in publlo health, molarin control and Town
Planning, In areas where co-operation exists, such as Rafa'a, sanitary
conditions are much more satisfactory, Nevertheless wo would like to
stress the vital importance of team work between tho health authorities
nnd the local authorities concerned. The H.O.II. is to a great extent
the adviser of these authorities and must have their full co-opofratlon
and support to carry out his duties satisfactorily. Manama where very
little control of sanitation and no Town Planning exists, has slums which
are in an appalling sanitary condition and where there is a high lncid-
ence of preventable endemic disenso and risk of an outbreak of epidemic
disease. This otrto of affairs should be remodled at once not only in
the interests of the people living in these slums but also of the Publlo
health of Bahrein Itself. The Public markets in Manama and Muharraq
and the slaughter house in Muharraq are most unhygienic unlike the
slaughter house in Manama, which is a credit’to tho municipality. A
modern drainage system is urgontly required in Manama and Muharraq,
There should be strict control of stables, restaurants, ooffoe houses,
shops, dairies etc. Ply and mosquito brooding places must be dealt
with at once by the residents on the advice of tho health authorities
in accordance with tho legislation oonoerned. If possible, it would be
advlsablo to move dairies and stables away from the inhabited areas in
order to reduco the number of flies.
3). Housing
Improvement in housing is a major factor in reducing tho incidence
of dIsoeso, particularly Tuberculosis. As regards tropical housing