Page 379 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 379
Health and medical care 769
Summary of Rooorumcndntlonn
1) . Formation of control headquarter unit with the following
(u) Health Council,
(b) President of Health Council.
(c) Director of Medical Services,
(d) Deputy Director for Public Health,
(o) Assistant Director Curative Medicine,
(f) Assistant director Laboratory Services and Medical Research.
(g) Principal Matron.
2) , Registration and control of doctors.
3) . Recruitment of non-Bnhralnl doctors, particularly Arabic spanking
doctors from the Middle East with recommendations as regards tormG
and conditions of servloe.
4). Tho organization of a medical stores seotlon*
5). Rc-organlzatlon of hospital administration and specialist services
Including an increase In the number of specialist dlvisons In
Hospital and of specialists as well a3 a corresponding Increase In
the establishment of Junior doctors.
6) . Provision of up-to-date hospital accommodation for men adjacent
to the New Women's Hospital.
7) . Re-organization of Public Health Services and the appointment of
an Assistant Medical Officer of Health,
8) . Recommendation for tho eradication of Malaria if feasible in
co-operation with the World Health Organization.
9) . Re-organlzatlon and amalgamation of the Rural Health and Curative
Services with recommendation for training of midwives.
10) Public Health Legislation,