Page 377 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 377

Health and medical care                  767

            The clinics In the villages would become health centres for the

      co-ordination of all curative and preventive activities In their area.
      .It present the cllnlos aro closed except when a visiting doctor Is there.
      This la unsatisfactory because the doctor Is overwhelmed by trivial oases
      during the two hours that he Is at tho clinic. It is therefore difficult
      to give the more serious cases tho attention and time they should have.
      Thero Is also no nurso available to deal with any emergencies whon he is
      absent, A nurse (female or male) should bo stationed in each health

      centre, which will be kept open for an adequate period every day. The
      nurso would be available to attend to emergency calls at any time. Suit­
      able accommodation should be provided for the nurse who would do preven­
      tive as well ns curative modlolne by making frequent visits to tho village,

      under the direction of the doctor. A male and female doctor should spend
      nil their official time visiting these health centres and if possible,
      these visits should bo made more frequently than at present., Tho child
      welfare health visitors who are doing very valuable work, should co-ordi-
      nato thoir activities with the health centres. A mobile clinic In charge
      of a doctor with a nurse ohould pay regular visits to the distant villages
      which cannot be reaohed by the static health centres.
      6.   Training of Midwives.

           The nurse in ohurge of the rural health centre should supervise the
      work of the untrained village midwives as far as possible and a list of
      the names of those midwives should be kept. They should be given a short
      courso in elementary midwifery at the maternity section of the Buhrain

      General Hospital and thon should bo given a license to practice if
      recommended by the hospital authorities. When all untrained mldwlves
      v/ho are suitable for training have had the opportunity to tako this
      course, only trained midwives should bo allowed to practice the profess­
      ion. Similar arrangements should bo made for tho untrained midwives
      practicing in the towns.

      7).    Registration of Births c: Deaths.
             This is necessary for many reasons including Public health. It
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