Page 376 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 376

766                       Records of Bahrain

                sohemeo, "tho boat 1b   sometimes the enemy of the good"'* Houses of the
                minimum standard to meet the requirements of the health and Town 1'lnnning
                authorities and the future occupants are usually required so that tho

                maximum number can be built with the money available»    The Public Works
                Department in co-operation with the Town Planning and municipal
                authorities and the Health authorities should arrange for a design of a
                suitable house conforming to the above requirements to be prepared for
                adoption in rehousing sohemes connected with slum clearance.  This modol

                 house would be useful in connection with housing schemes in the rural areto
                 as woll ns in tho Towns.
                 4).   Halnrla Control
                       .According to the malaria records of the health department and of

                 Bapco, the incidence of Malaria has been reduoed dramatically during the
                 last 10 years, and Malaria which used to be the cause of a considerable
                 amount of lllnoss, and many deaths, is now of little health importance in
                 a normal year.  However, constant effort by a large skilled staff is

                 necessary with considerable expenditure on chemicals and equipment in
                 order to keep Malaria undor control, and there is always the possibility
                 of the disease getting out of control when climatic and other conditions
                 are exceptionally favourable for its spread.    Wo strongly recommend
                 therefore that expert advice should be obtained from the World Health

                 Organization (W.H.O.) as regards the feasibility of eradication of
                 malaria from Bahrain Island by carrying out tho technique worked out by
                 W.H.O. which has boon successful in many parts of the world,    Eradication
                 of Malaria results in considerable ocomony because after eradication,
                  only a very small searching staff is required to ensure it is not re­

                  introduced from outside the country.
                  5).   Rural Health Services.
                       Tho Rural Health and Curative Servioos are   at present administered
                  separately.  It 1b strongly recommended that they should be combined
                 • .*• .1 • .. 4< 1   # . I • • • 0   M « A •   . . . H
                  uiiuux- otiv xiboxoofjiu ncujLUfcix yji l leer oi itenitn.  Tnc small maternity
                 hospital at Rafa’a however, would remain under the administration of the

                  maternity section of tho Bahrain General Hospital.
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