Page 371 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 371

Health and medical care                  761

         question of appointing a public sorvlooo commission should bo con­
         sidered to deal as an lndepondant authority with the terms and

         conditions of sorvioe of all government officials as Is the normal
         practice In many other countries'
         4).   Modloal Stores Section.
               The modloal stores aro at prosent distributed among several
         small units at the various hospitals, which deal with Instruments,

         equipment and drugs separately, with no designated official In .chargo
         of medical stores. Experience in other countries Indicates that •
         economy would result from the centralization of medical stores in one
         building under the personal supervision of u trained medic:*! store­
         keeper, working dlreotly undor tho Assistant Direotor Curative Medicine*
         A considerable amount of money is involved and It Is recommended, in

         the Interest of economy and efficiency, that a central medical stores
         department should be established with drugs, Instruments and medical
         equipment stored In one building in chargo of the storekeeper mention­
         ed above* Small working stores would still be requlrod In hospitals.
         5).    Pathologist.
                It Is recommended that a qualified pathologist be appointed to

         bo an assistant director responsible for laboratory services and
         medical research. The laboratories at the Now Women's Hospital and at
         the Men's Hospital are well equipped and efficiently run, but a
         Pathologist Is required to direct the Increasing amount of work and to
         widen tho activities of the laboratory services particularly as rogar<te

         medical research. He would have Ills office in tho most convenient
         laboratory not at headquarters.

                              SECTION III HOSPITAL

         1).    Organization.
                Medical care is always oostly and a good Hospital must be well
         staffed and competently admlnlstorcd to give adequate and efficient
         servloo•  The administration of tho Bahrain Hospital Services, In our

         opinion, must bo re-organized and strengthened to corrospond with the
         rcoent extension and improvement of Hospital faollltlos for female
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