Page 368 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 368

758                        Records of Bahrain

                                          Recommendations for tho
                                    Re-organlzation of Health and Hodlonl
                                           Services of Bahrain
                                         SECTION I INTRODUCTION

                         During rooent years there has boon very rapid development in the
                   appreciation by the publio of the value of curative and preventive
                   medicine.   Few public services affeot tho individual or the family
                   more than tho modioal services. As a result, the genorul publio is now

                   fully awaro of tho importance of those services, particularly the
                   ouratlvo services in their daily life, Bahrain is no exception tp the
                   rule.    Tho health and medical services of tho Bahrain Government have
                   dovelopod vory rapidly in rooent years. They have therefore become tho

                   Vlotim of their popularity among tho public because the work has ln-
                    oreasod so rapidly that some re-organization and re-enforcement of the
                    administrative structure, and of the hospital and preventive services
                    is now urgently required. The following table of the medical work-
                    oarrlod out in the last 3 years in Bahrain shows tho steady increase in
                    work which is taking plaoe.

                                                    Out Patients      In Patients
                          1151         Males          186,306            3,183
                                       Females        191,315            3,583

                          1258         Males          256,231            3,673
                                       Females        278,057            4,494

                          1252.         Males         312,716            3,818
                                       Females        323,655            4,834

                           In-patient figures show that 1 in 15 of the population is ad­
                    mitted to Hospital every year — that is - 4 admissions in tho lifo time
                    of every inhabitant in Bahrain.

                           Out-patient figures indicate that there are 3 tlinos as many out­
                    patient; attendances a year as tho total population of Bahrain.
                    Turning to the preventive side, small-pox has been effectively dealt

                    with and tho incidence of malaria reduced by efficient control to
                    negligible proportions except in an abnormal malaria season under
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