Page 352 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 352
742 Records of Bahrain
areas they accounted for 16°/>. The reason for the
high figures for the urban areas is the exceptionally
largo number of baraotia in Manama Suburbs v/hich are
classed a3 ’Urban'. The proportion of barustio in
each of the urban areas v/aa aa follows
Manama 23.2
Manama suburbs 51.2
Moharraq 10.9
Moharraq suburbs 23.3
Hodd 7.3
Rifaaa 5.1
Sitra 15.7
Jidhafs 22.2
The increase in the total number of dwellings
since the fir3t census in 1941 ia shown in Table 5.
Unfortunately it ia not possible to show the change in
the number of different typos of dwellings.
Table 5.
Increase in Housing 1941 - 1959
Number of Houaea
1941 1930 1959
: 51anama 4,649 5,703 0,024
. Moharraq 3,317 3,720 4,361
Hedd 719 619 703
Other towns &
villages 5,697 6,232 0,142
Total 14,032 16,274 22,030
Percentage Change
Manama 22.7 54.0
Moharraq 12.1 17.2
Ilodd -13.9 13.5
Other towns &
village3 30.6
Total 13.1 35.3
Between 1950 and 1959 the increase in the number of
dwellings slightly more than kept paco with the
increase /