Page 35 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 35

Great Britain: policy                  425

                    This movement against our Government derives its strength
        from tne gonoral boiler tnat it 13 supported by Britain and tno British
        Authorities in Bahrain nave at no time made it clearly known to the
        public that tno movement doos not have their support. Recent events m
        Bahrain indicate tno truth of this belief and a largo proportion of
        tne people are afraid to show their disapproval of the actions of
        the Committee because they believe that thoy will incur the disapproval
        of the British Authorities. On more than one occasion, v/c have been
        told to cancel decisions which we have made for the benefit of our
        Country because such decisions may not be pleasing to tne Committee of
        National Union.
                     Is it tho wisn of tho British Government that v/e should
        allow the Committee to take over our authority?
                     The members of tno Committee of National Union are always
        m communication with tne British Authorities in Bahrain and aro fully
        informed of all that takes place between us and the British Authoritles-
        oometimes the British Government policy regarding local anairs is made
        known to tfce Committee before it is made known 00 us.
                     This is not the manner 111 which tne British conducted
         their a1fairs in Bahrain m the past. Ix tne British policy has now
         become against us, we shall find ourselves compelled to look for support
         from another source,   V/c understand that we can find such support from
        otner sources.
                     As Y.E. is aware, wo have been at all times willing to
         receive advice and guidance from the representatives of the British
        Government in Bahrain and we give such advice our earnost consideration
         but recently it has appeared to us that the advice and guidance has
         only one object- that v/c should do all that is pleasing to the Committee
         of National Union whether it is to the advantage of our Country or not.
                     The administration of our Government is not m any way a
         secret and is known to all. On frequent occasions, nigh visiting
         British officials have told us that v/e manage the aifairs of our Country
         m a satisfactory manner yet, occnuso tho Committee of National Union
         has issued untrue statements about our administration, the British
         representatives in Bahrain uelieve them, for example, because tho
         Committee of National Union said that our Adviser has too much authority,
         the British representatives informed us that v/e should make other
         arrangement8. Our Government has become wider m recent years due to
         progress and modernisation and v/o nave appointed many Arab und British
         officials who are wholly responsible for administering their departments
         v/ithin the policy laid down by us for the welfare of the Country. The
         position of our Adviser differs from that of General Glubb and it is
         not our intention to dispense with his services.
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