Page 36 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 36
426 Records oj Bahrain
It 13 our firm desire to do Qt all times what Is good for our
Countryand our peoplo and we are at all times willing to discuss witn
x'csponsible people m Banram all matters of public benefit. At tnc
request of the British Authorities, we agreed to hold meetings with
the representatives of the Committee of National union and wo havo had
long discussions with them. All that took place at these meetings was
conveyed to tho ears of your representatives m Bahrain. During those
discussions, it uecaino apparent that tho Committeo had one purpose
which was to obtain more authority in certain aspects of the administration
in which they nave no rignt to interfere. They showod that they were not
willing to arrive at any agreement about the matters which were discussed
or to cooperate with us over matters to which we agreed. No doubt.this
is known to Y.E. They broke off these discusoions without showing any
reasonable causo saying that, unleso we agreed to all their demands,
they v/ould not attend.
Tho matter which causes us anxiety is to see the prestige
and influence of Britain .as it is at present because whatever 13
injurious to the name of Britain is also injurious to us and we boliovo
whatever is injurious to our pooitlon is injurious to tho British position.
We believe that the lack of stability m Bahrain to-day is to a great
extent because the policy of Britain has not been dci'inod.
We believe that we have the right because of our long and
strong friendship with Britain to ask for support and holp and to demand
that thi3 support and help should be clearly and openly made known and
tnat Britain should, by her action, make it clear beyond doubt that she
16 supporting the Ruler in a manner whicn leaves no doubt and is not
supporting those people who are working against him.
This is what is to be said and our salaams to Y.E. and the
blessinjgs of Allah.
July 13th 1956. Ruler of Bahrain.