Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 38
428 Records of Bahrain
Hlghnpoa’e Polloo have $e<m regrettably unable tp
prevent hostile political docionotratlonsi nar are tbejf
at prosont strong enough to preserve publlo uecurlty in
nil eventualities. Until tlxarofox'O there hao boon timo
Tor tho reorganisation and training of tho Polloo,
Her Majesty's reproeontativon havo thought it essential
in Your m^hnoon* o. own Inturoato to udvtoo that your
Government should avoid doing anything to provoke euoh
opponitlon oo might endanger tho occurity of the people
of Bahrain.
Xt la with these eonelderations In mind that X
ouggeot that Your Hlghnoco would bo well advised to make
ouch administrative qhnngao an oppaar to bo justIftable
In thomsolvoo and doslrod by reasonable and reoponetblo
sections of tho population; and to allow the political
movement to oxprooo Its vlavrs to tho Bahrain Ctovornuiont
In a conotituttonal ippnnor* I am well aware of tbs
Progreso Your Hlghnoeb has already mado along thaao
llnoe and I fool sure that tto change® that you have
inaugurated and thooo which you have In mind for the
future should be mado known widely In Bahrain* In that
way rooponslblo Bahrainla will undorstand that their
wishes roooivo aorlouu conaldoratlon and that the
changoo nooeoaary for tho advnnccmont of tho Utate
undor your guidance can bo efficiently Introduced.
In your letter Your Highness rofore to tho position
of your Advlaor* I am troll aware of tho groat aervlcefl.
he hoe rondorod to you and tho yoopla of Bahrain. But
It Is my undorotanding that, In convocation with 3ir
Bernard Burrows In June, Your Highness and tho Advlaor
agrood that tho timo for the Advioer'a retirement wee
approaching. In view of thla Her Majooty'o Government
had not uuppoBod tliat It vroa Your Highness1 o Intention
that Sir Charlos Bolgravo v/ould remain In Bahrain beyond
tho end of thla year, I also undorstand from Mr*Qault
that very recently, while properly rebooting any Idea
that you should diomloa Sir Charles Bolgravo* you mado
it clear to tho Ooramlttoe of National Union that the
admlniotratlve reorganisation announood on tho 9th of
Juno, which I welcome, did foroohadow hlo early
retirement and I assume that thlo roraalne Your
liighnoos's decision*
Whan the position of the Bahrain Government baa been
otrengthonod by winning increased support among Bahrain!*
and by building up tho offiolonoy of the police foroe
thoeo prooent dlffloultloa will, I hope. disappear.
Moanwhilo I wloh to reiterate to Your Highness that any
advice that Hor Majesty-a Government have given has bean
Intended aololy to otrongthon tho position of the Al-
Khollfah and tho well-being of tho people of Bahrain.
In theoa ohanglng times wo muet atand together end help
oaoh other end I assure you that Her Majesty* a Government
will do their utmost In Your Highness's Interests*
I I have happy recollootlono of my mootings with Your
Highness, and of Your Highness's kindness and hospitality*
I send you my warm poroonal rogardo.
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