Page 82 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 82
472 Records of Bahrain
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\r.ft 1:1.1. »* •• I
1001/57 June 22, 1957.
Dour Department, \ -
\ \
After what must have Been theilongest lull olnco the
resumption of diplomatic, relations,; the Bahrain issue hual
Been (given a further airing in the Tehran press. This
begun In mid-May, v/hon a number of minor newspapers bo (gun
to suggest that the Iranian delegation should raise the question
at the Karachi conference of the Bagdad Pact Council of
Ministers. Of 'these the moot Important was the daily
"Ateoh", owned by a somowhut disreputable former deputy, i.Ilr
Ashrafl, who stated that Pakistan and Iraq would support tho
Iranian cuse against Britain.
J r. • :
2. Thereafter, things were quiet aguin until June 11, when
the loading newspapers carried a statement made by Dr.
Ardalan on June 9 to the effect thut enquiries about Bahrain
should bo addressed to the Minister of the interior. If
Dr. Ardalan hoped that In this light-hearted fashion he would
be able to ward off further publicity about Bahrain, he was
to be disappointed, for the important radical dully "Xuylian"
proceeded to raise the question on three successive days.
On June 12 "Kayhan" reported rumours to the effect that notes
on Bahrain had recently-been exchanged between the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the British embassy, anu ohat a meeting
between the British Ambassador and Dr. Ardalan that day had
been concerned with this lssuo. At the Queen's Birthday
Purty on June 13 the ambusoador’ handed Dr." Ardalan a co<»y of
the translation of this article. Dr. Ardalan asked whether
he should tuko action tb issue a deniul and the ambassador
replied that he left).this to him. Dr. Ardalan was obviously
In a difficult position, since to issue a public denial of
the "Kayhan" report might woll provoke a storm of enquiry
why the government was not making representations to Britain
about Bahrain. .
\ • •
3. While this conversation was taking place a further article
appeared in "Kayhan",.quoting Iranian foreign office circles
and stating that tho ambassador had lndoed discussed Bahrain
with Dr. Ardalan on June 12 but adding that the Ministry of
Foreign A1 fairs officials had refused to make any comment
beyond stating that the Iranian government remained deeply
Interested In the Bahrain question.
4. This further articlo'-appcars to have prompted Dr. Ardalan
to act. lie did not Issue a general deniul, but, according
to Mr. Ruohldl Hacri, the head of the information department
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Juno 15 ho uont for
the member of "Kayhan*u" staff responsible for the reports,
; repx'oved him for thousand suggested that It would be well
If their accuracy v/ore to be denied, Mr. Ruohldl Hueri told
tin; f rooo Oil iuev that *’Kujriiuii" ituu in fuu t published siucii u
I Eastern Deportment,
Foreign Office,
London, S.V/# 1*