Page 83 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 83
Iranian claims 473
i: •
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denial, but a clooo search through the latent luoueo of
"Kayhan"' has failed to reveal it., According to the loeul
Rcutora' representative, normally a reliable source, Dr.
Ardalan did indeed tako action an reported, but "Kayhan"
felt otrong enough not to comply v/lth hie rcciuoet, Y/hutcvcr
the facts may bo, tho'BahruIn quootlon hue since lain dormant
hero, except foi^ a paragruiih in one of the email and unimport
ant dailies
. 6 lf4 > O -8 v\
5. The^ttTPA report referred to in Poroign Office telegrams
l!o. 63a and 635 was presumably based on this series of
reports in MKayhan", :,0n Juno 15 the U.P. correspondent
(an Iranian- who is aloo; the local correspondent of the
"Dally Express") asked the Press Officer if he had any comment
on-them. Burrows said he hud nothing to suy on the subject
of Bahrain, but, in reply to a further question, guve his
personal opinion that the matter was not worth a report to
the "Express". The correspondent appears to have taken his
ndvlbe with regard to the newspaper but not the agencyl
/ , */ .
6. It remains to be seen whether this U.P. report will now
be picked up here - as it very likely will - and provoke a
further round of shadow boxing. One consolation - so far
is that this latest outcrop of reports on Bahrain has been
very mild in character. V/c hope tliut no further attempt will
bo made to stir the passions on this issue, The government
certainly do not appear to want to do so at present but the
matter is not entirely within their control.
7. Y/o are sending a copy of this letter to Bahru in.
Yours ever,