Page 102 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 102

428                         Records of Bahrain

                                               ( 4, )
                   Tho pcoplo who jrr.vod yoatorday boro from Katif stated tlioy risked the journey to
               BQhrcm j tlmt ubout 7° lurkish gendarmes had arrived at Katif from ISI-llaia. Whoa
                tho lurlcmli soldier was murdered by the Bodouius outside the fort walls nt ICatil*. the olli.
               cor in charge of tho garrison sallied forth with u few soldiers, but was enticed away from
                near the fort, and was out-mnucmivrod by tho Bedouins, who surrounded him and tho sol­
               diers and rouuccd them to a critical position ; that thou tho Bodouius told him that ho
               ami hits mou were their prisoners, and that if tlioy wished they would put them to death
               but that tlioy forgnvo them and suffered them to pu68 unmolested.
                   Wheu tho Kaeln Maknm ol 1',1-JCutil heard this report, ho consured tho officer, saying
                thcro was no order for the soldiers to go out of tho fort in pursuit of tho Bedouins, be-
               cuuso tho soldiers did not nuiubur more than fifty. Tho Kuom Mnkatu reported this
                uinttor to iCl-lIusa whence they sent t.ho nbovo gendarmes. Tho Motosenif of El-Haeahas
                culled for an explnimlion from tho olficer comummliiig the garrison at Katif.

                Statement of Muiiaiuk Hafiz. Kowadke, » subject of Bahrein and Naklioda of hit own Diving
                                    JJuggaeah, da tad 30//i September 188(3.
                   On the 85th September I anchored at high tide in one fathom sea opposilo tho fort
               ol 'Anaj, mid my buggarab became grounded when the tide ebbed. I linvo a sistor, who
               lives at ’Anaj during the hot weather. About tho close of that day my sistor cnmo to inc
               and not to remain in the position I was in, because tlioro wore robbers in tbo
               place. Wo endeavoured to re-float tho buggarab, but failed; thou, as night came on, wo
               commenced to keep watch; after a third of tho night had passod, some 25 liion, fully
               armed with muskets, swords, doggers, and spears, camo nlongside our buggarab and fired
               upon us without hitting any of us. They then got into our buggnrah and attacked us,
               wounding me in twelve places in tho back, hands, linns, bend, shoulder, thigh, Ac.; they
               iilso wouuded three of tho crew, viz.., they wounded Mahdi in tho abdomen with a dagger;
                Kuzcm Bin Sa’ud with a spear in the back; and Abdullah Bin Tbownineo with a spear in
               tho right thigh.
                   They thou compelled me to give up tho pearls and monoy I had, and threntoned to
               takn iny life if I declined to give tbo same to them. I replied that the pearls and tho
               whole of the buggarab were at their disposal, and they may do what they liked. Tboy
               took tho dosk which contained about Uh. 130 worth of pearls, also two swords valued Jts. 12,
               musket worth Its. 20, and copper pots valuing He. 20, the wearing npparol bolougiug to
               mo aud the crew worth Us. l(j—the wholo amounting to about 11s. 198. Having tukon tbo
               ubovo, they loft us. I know ns well us Mubarak, ouo of uiy crew, tkut theso robbora aro tho
               Beni Ilajar, who livo at 'Anaj.
                   Wo loft tho following morning for Bahrein, which wo roadbed on tho 27th Soptombor

               From (he Residency Agent, Bahrein, lathe Political Resident, Poreian 0 ulf, No. 88, dated
                                          Qlh October 188G.
               A. C.
                   I beg to forward a Jotter iu origiual I liavo rccoived from Shaikh Eosa Bio All, Cbio
               of Bahrein, about tho piratos aud thoir doings. I beg to say that fear is prevalent, au
               pooplo do not iuoyo much by sea, but only those who risk thoir journoy by sea, because
               tbo news pro vails that thoy (Beni Hujar) arc roaming about tbo soa to attack boats, up
               to tho proeont tbo Turkish authorities at Katif havo taken uo measures by loud, noit or
               baa tbo Turkish vessol lyiug tlioro douo anything by ecu.
               /fa. fa-

               From Shaikh Eksa Bin Ali, Chief of Bahrein, to tho  Residency Agent, Bahrein, dated 6th
                                             October 188G.
               A. C.
                   I bavo alroady sont a lottor to tbo   Indent, Persian Gulf,^   di.turtor.
               of tbo maritime pouoo and wbat tboy bad dono, aud I trust
                kindly pay duo attention to tbo same.
                   Now in tboso days tbo said misobiof-breodors bavo porpotrated doods of onormity ,

               and bavo plundorod. Tbo people have bocomo filled with foar, and baYO
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