Page 100 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 100

                                           Records of Bahrain
                                               ' 2 )
                   Whon tho pnssongera to ICntif nud those parts oamo to know of tho affair thoy  wore
                flouod with lour, and somo havo ceased going to Kulif aide for tho present, 1
                   Shaikh Lera, thoChiof of Baliroin, sent his writer, Sliaroy Dab, to mo, suggesting that
                I should take down the statomout of tho aforesaid Nakhodu and scud it In yon. They (tho
                Nakhmla nud tho rest of tlm crow) arc his subjocts. According to information rocoivod
                by tho Chiof, tho loader of the pirates was Zaid Bin Mahomed lil-JLIujiri, already uoloriuue
                us a pirato.

                Statement of Ahmkd Bin ICicsa, nalcuda of a bout, and his brother Sauau Bin Ebsa, ro«v-
                              dents oj Ihihrtin and subjects of Sheik Beta Jliji All.
                    rhey hi rod the “ boom(boat) of Zaid Bin Rashid El-Jiillahimoh, a rosidont of
                Bahrein, lor a poriod of oiio month, for Us. 8, to go to IC-ilif to liny dates, date*juice, &c.*,
                aud thoy bad with them Us. 500 cash uud sundry good*, such as clnth, colfco, broad eloth,
                nud so forth, of the vnluo of Us. 200. Thoy startod from Bnhroiu for Katif on tho 18th
                Soptombor 1^86, having- with them throe sailors and a boy. Tho wind was blowing a
                strong shomni and thoy (wore obliged to) put into Chasehoos iu tbo alloruoon, aud there
                thoy remained for two days owing to stress of wcathor. Whon tho wind ubntod thoy set
                sail for ICntif on tho 21st September, reaching Al-Nujwn at night, and auchorod iu ono
                fatlioin of wator. Whon tho moon rose they saw a (“ Sbooo ”) boat ir.akiug for iliom, and
               when sho approached thorn thoy shoutod out to her crow to roumin nfar and not to coiuo
               nlougsido of thoin. They said thoy wore thirsty aud wa-itod water. Tho dopononts ropliod
                that thoy had no watur, nud if they oomo aiongsido thoy would bo firod upon. They
                (paid no hood nnd) said lire, nud the depoucuts thereupon fired two blank chargos lor
                frightoning them. They did nob mind this, and, coming aiongsido deponents’ boat, firod
                two ballots at hor crew, wounding two of thoin; ouo who is a liberated slave, uatn.'d
               Mabrook, belonging to a native of B ihroiu, was in tho leftside oud rcooivod
               many spear nud sword wounds in his chost, buck, Load, aud neck, and is lying in a boneless
               epuditiou. The other, who is a fioo mau, naiuo.i Mahomed Bin Jassim Bin Sbaddnu, ro-
               ccivod a shot in thedolt hand palm, the bullet comin" out on tho other sido. Tho a-isailuuto
               who were oight iu umubor, hulmiging to tho Beni IIajar tribe, uud all armed with swords,
               guns, spoars, and daggers, then boarded deponents’ b-.iab. On seeing this procooding, llio
               Nakhodaand his brother (t'.o.,deponents) jumped overboard and began to swim for twohoiua
               aud got far away from their boat, with the object of returning to their boat whon tho
               Bedouins had gone; but when thoy found themselves on the point of death and uuablo to
               swim, thoy returned to their bait and bogged the protection aud pnrdou of the pirate
               whom thoy promised to roluru to the bout and They then got iuto the boat
               aud were ordered by tho pirates to transfer to the " shueo” (the pirate’s bout) all they had
               with them; so with the assistance of the pirates they transhipped what they hud into the
               “ ahoeo.” Of the things belonging to them, there woro three guns valued lie. 18, rice,
               coffee, tiu-pots, mortar nud penile, aud copper pots, valued Its. 2U, and clothes of the dopo-
               neuts aud tho crew, valued It*. 20. Thoy cut thn rigging of tho boat and throw them into
               tho sea with tho anchor, valued Ks. 22. They had with them a boy, n uativo of Sonnbis,
               iu Katif, from whom deponents lenrnt that the pirates were Beni llajirs, that tho “ahooc”
               (boat) bad been seized at Scnnbi*, where the boy had boon minding tbo boat, aud that thoy
               wore cruising for Rashid Bin Mohuina Al-Sovsoe, iho snino person who is n uativo of
               Bahrein aud goes to Katif to deal in pearls. Tho Beuouius said that thoy hod not cap­
               tured him, but that the buggnrah ib.iat) would positively capturo him, from which it ap-
               penrod that they had another bout besides tho " shoec ” wliioli was npoliatiug on the soa.
                   The pirates then got iuto their M shone ” nnd sailed towards Dlmhrnn and tho dopo-
               nmitfl returned to Bahrein on the 22nd feVptfiiiber. They lmd no puilors, and all tho
               monoy mentioned above was taken frmn them, including oven tho clutlies on tlioif

               From the Residency Agent, Duhroin, to the Political Resident, Persian Out/, No. 83, dated
                                           let October 188G,
                   With rcfcrcnco to my news report, dated 12th September 188G, about tho 1
               der of the boat of the Bahrein people, under Nakhoda Rashid Bin llasan, near ZaK ico
               by the Beni Ilu-jar, I bog to say that the ubovo boat has roturnod to Bahrein, anti i uig
               to enclose a statomout of the Nakhoda niude in prosoneo of tho orow of tho ooav
               your information.

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