Page 101 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 101

Relations with Qatar, 1881-1891             427

                                         C 3 )                             <&/
           cmleinenl of RarHid Din Karan Zyankr, a subject of Bahrein, Nalthad* and Owner of the
                     jolly haul, daicd loth Boylnuher 188G (2G//i Zil-IIcjjuh 1808).
              Wo loft Babroin on tho 20th August 188G (25th Zilca’d 1303), bound for Walcrah,
           iH, n oarg9 of datu-oflfsots, dates, ghee and other articles of merchandise; wo called at
          tl,c various places ou tho Katr (’oust, selling our merchandise; and on our leaving
          fu'vuirat and coming opposito to Zakhcerah. in about tbruo fathoms of water, W3 obsorved
          * ••shooo ” (boat) coming up from tho opposite direction ; and on its nearing us, tho men
            *• shooo " salamuiod us mid wo returned their salutation ; then tho " shocc n altered its
          tack, and wo know that they wnnt:d to come alongside our jolly boat, and wo increased our
          anil. * Seeing ibis, tho inon in tho '* shoco ” opened musket firo upon us, firing about 40 bui­
          lds, which, howovor, did not wound any of our crow; but wo sailed on, and tho " shooo ”
          followed ua. Tlion tho wind foil and the “ slmeo ” catno alongside, aud we woro made to
          uuchor. Thou four Beni 11 ajar from tho " sluice ” hoarded our jolly boat. They took from us
          Ibo money which wo hud realized by sale of our merchandise,amounting to about 250 rupees;
          they <ook possession of my clothes and of ihusailors, valuing about 35 rupees; also copper
          utensils, compass, load, &c., valuing about 15 rupees, and other things, oven our hcuIs in
          rings- &c., making an uggrogalo of about 300 rupees. They then remained in our jolly boat
          with us, their objoct being to attack and plundor other country crafts which may happou
          to pass that way. They compelled one of our crew to go into (ho n sheet)." This “ shoon '*
          boluiigoJ to one of tho inhabitants of Doha (liida) named Succd Bin Badaid, who was
          its Nakjodtt, aud lmd a man and a boy for his crow. Wo askod Urn said Saecd, and he
          replied that they were fishermen an 1 fished in the irdghbourhood of Zakhaovali, and that
          the four Bowi Liajar had during the night tlinod with -Josim Bin Mohammed Biu 'I’hanoo
          and »Nasor Bin Mubarak in tho ICboro (Sliajuij) at the placo of Ali Biu Abdul Azoez, the
          headman of tho Kl-Mahaiudah; that after their dinner they embarked in tho said
          "shoco," which was not far from tho shore, and compollod them lo put to sea, which thoy
          did and foil in with our jolly boat. Then tho Beni liajar ordered the men in tho “ shooo'*
          to go towards tho land, and we also with the Men* llaj.vr proceeded towards tho laud. On
          oui reaching the Zikhoorah coast, we anchored inn half fathom of water; the Beni
          Hajar had intended to land their plunder from our folly boat, and bury it somewhore
          ami return again to our jolly boat to make further piracies. About tlm time four men
          cuuio to where our jolly hi-at was, viz , a slave of Jasim BinThaueo, a Beni liajar, and two
          other persons, being a portion of the crew bf Maser Bin Mubarak’s boat; thoy infonnod
          us that Jasim having heard of the .'cizurs of the " sluice ,r of i>aecd Bin Baduid liod seut in
          search of it; the boat of .N’u.6or Bin Mubarak, in which Ali Biu Abdul A zee/., the hctdinan of
          Ihu Mahanadah, hud omburked, imd that they woro with him, with the object of recover­
          ing tho shoeo with its crew aud ono of our crow in it; that they had related to them
          all what had bofallon us ; that consequently tho " shooo ’’ of Sneed Bin Baduid and tho
          boat of Nasor Biu .Mubarak had sailed in scurch of our jolly boat, but as tho wind was
          blowing u strong head wind, thoy could nut tack about, and therefore Ali Bin Abdul
          Azjcz hud sent them by laud to order tho Beni IJnjur to leave our boat aud land.
             They then solioited tho Beui Ilujarlo land, which being done, wo Ret sail and reached
          Hie hunt in which Ali Bin Abdul Azeez was. Tliose men thou got into this boat, biking
          'xilli them all our cargo; (hey then allowed us to depart. We asked ali Bin Abdul A/.eez
          lo restoro to ua one copper pot, but ho declined to do so. We then proceeded towards
          nakrub, reaoliing it on tlio night of tho 8th September 188(5. On the following day we
          l,'OUOL'^c(l to Dohnh (Bidn) where we saw Jnsim BinThaueo after hi.H return from the
          Ivlioro (Sliiijnij) and reported to him what tho Beni Hujar Imd done to them, and what
          they had tnkou from them. Jasim replied that it ho could recover anything of their
          plundered property, ho would not stint to do bo.
             Wo lhen proceeded to Walcrah, wh-ro also Jasim arrived after tho Bed. Wo then went
          '» -Iqh.iii again aud api-ke to him, saying that ihu four lleui Hujar wlm had plundered us
          Were his people, ami that Ihev woro residing under liis Ibrt, and Mint we know (heir
          (■•linos : one is named Mulmuiod Abuzulinir, the second is imiium! Hadee; the 3rd Ali Bin
           11 y,,|I i^'n   l,l,(l Hio fourth Mubarak. Jasim replied lie had recovered from them
          wo i >el In is .mil six rupees But us wo wore in need of money, we took this money from
          «!!!!! y ^uy provisions lor ourselves. We than proceeded via Bl-bidda to Bahrein ou tho
          j ^optomber 1880, reaching Bahrein on tho 25th September 1880.
          ^ ^ __________________
           'oui ihc Hondo,icy Agent, Bahrein, to tho Politic.', I Resident, Persian QalJ, No. 84, dated
                                     1st October 1880,
          a„,i   ,° c*ic, P30 ^,0 otatoment of Bin Ilafiz Blzowadoo, a subject of Bahrein
          eruw il» n?. 'i U' ,*? owu “ buggurali," which is a pearl-fisher, aud what befell him uml tho
                 ndcr Auuj while iho *' huggamh ” was on the bench.
          ^avine tukoia^0 ^ ^nV0 uot ^'ocivod auy infornmtion as t.» the Turkish authorities at Khatif
             b i uiiy luousurud to make enquiries into the lunilur or arrest tho robbers.
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