Page 98 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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                                           Records of Bahrain
                                       FOREIGN DEPARTMENT,

                    r. 104.100. llooonclliatlon boiwoon Shaikh Jnnim bln Muhammad it Dnhroiu SkilkU*.

                   from the oxislcnco of enmity between them, especially by givin" news (of cacti
                   otliors intentions.) Jasim and the Jhvluain/'Uiefs are confident3that neither of
                    them can attack the other by sea. As soon as thev prefer friendship to oumitv
                   these false rnnumrs will assuredly cease. This’is what appears to meal
                   present; anything further that happens I will report.

                        Hoooucillftllou boiwoon Shaikh Jnslm bin Muhiiuuund aud Dahroia Shaikhs.
                   No. 185.
                                     No. 2.3, dated Dusliirc, 27111 January 1SS2.
                          From—Lm«T.-Coi.. K. 0. Unvs, P,.III. Hiddent in the l'vrs*i:if« Gull’ and II. M.'i
                                Cutnuil-Uvucriil fur Kars, \c.,
                          To—C. OliANT, Ls»|., C.S.I., OlTg. Secy, lo the Government ol India, Korciiju Dept.
                       "With reference to my letter No. 15, dated the 13th instant, I have tbo
                                          honor to forward herewith translation of a lcltor
                       Dated Oil January 13S2.
                                          as per margin from Shaikh Jasim of Bl-Didoa, in­
                   forming of the recent reconciliation • betweeu himself aud the Shaikhs of

                   No. 180.
                                    Dated 1 Slli Salar 1 Dili January 1S.S2.
                         From—Shaikh Jasim uin Tiiani, Kl-Didnn,
                         To—Likct.-Col. K. C. Ross, Political ltcsidcut iu tbo Persian Gulf.
                       After compliments.— I beg to inform you that Ood decreed aud a meeting
                   took plaoo between mo and Shaikh Ahmed biu Ali A1 JChalccfah. God mended
                   matters between us and changed fear into friendship and dillVrcncoand cstraogo-.
                   moot into harmony and uuity, aud to-day I am in unity with him, and tbo
                   two countries arc as one. lam his siiiccrcst aud fricudlicst of friends.
                       I like to give you these glad tidings, as I know you would be glad to hoar it.
                   No. 107.
                                     No. 07, dated Dusliirc, Dili February 1SS2.
                         Front—Lir.UT.-Coi.. F. C. Itoss, Polll. ltcsidcut iu the Persiau Gulf nud II. M/i
                                Consul-General for Furs, &c.#
                         To—C. Grant, IChj., S. C. I., OITg. Secy, to the Government of India, Forcigu Dept.
                      I HA.VK the houor to transmit the marginally noted eorrcspondcnco from
                       „      .   „ , , which it appears that Shaikh Jasim bin Mobain-
                   l/daicd1lVi wSiafy iK«2.""*°' mod of El-Bidaa has come to a friendly undorsfand*
                    From JmIui iiin Tiinni, dated 2ui» jug with Shaikh Zaccd of Abu Zhabcc, ns well ns
                   j«outrj 1832.          with the Shaikhs of Bahrain.

                   No. 180.
                                 Dated 12lli ltubi-al-Avval 12DU = 1st February 1332.
                         From—Residency Agent, Bahrain,
                         To—Likiit.-Coi.. K. 0. Itoss, Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                      After compliments.—I beg to oncloso hero with two lottors which I have,
                  rcocivcd from Jasim bin Mohammed bin Tliani, one to your address nod onolo
                  mino. lie reiterates the statement of having made ponce with Shaikh Ahmed,
                  bin Ali, which be bad mentioned iu his former letter, lie also reports llmttlioj
                  doubts between himself aud Shaikh Zaccd bin Khulccfah have bccu removed,;
                  and that they arc now united aud friends as boforc. I received tho two lottors
                  from tho hands of Shaikh Ali Biu Rashid. Chiof oHVakrab, who has conic to
                  Shaikh Ahmed biu Ali and for whom he has brought a marc.
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