Page 120 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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446                       Records of Bahrain

                         bncomo a nost of pirates, and Iho interests which the British Government hnvo
                         at heart would undoubtedly nulTur considerably. If Znbnrnh is to bo rebuilt
                         and peopled, this shoul l be, I think, injustice, done only in a manner accopl-
                         nldo to tho Chiof of Bahrein. Tho settlers should bo people friendly to him
                         end not enemies.
                            r». In view, firstly, to opposing the further extension of Turkish authority;
                         secondly, for tho dun snfuly of the Islands of Bahrain ; and thirdly, for tho
                         preservation of Ir nu|uillity and security on the seas, and prevention of piruoy,
                         it. appears to mo highly important that the settlement of Nasir-bin-Mubarnk
                         and his dependents at Zobnrnli should Im forbidden and prevented. If this view
                         is taken by His Kxeelleney tho Viceroy in Cnuneil I respectfully solicit instruc­
                         tions in this souse. It would ho necessary, in the first instance, to warn Nnsir-
                                                      bin-Sluharnk and Jasim-hin-Muhammad
                                    • s. o.
                                                      Tliani if* this resolve of the British
                         Govornmniit and if Iho warning wero disregarded,1 Her Majesty's ships would
                         have lo bo iuslruoled to enforce the decision of Government.
                            ^'              Dalvd (lie 7lli March 1S88.
                               from-Shaikh Kjai'.iun-Ai.i, Chiof of llahraiu,
                               To—Tho Political Ke*:<h<nl, Pursuit Gulf.
                            A (lev oumjdinieiils.—Let it not bo bidden from you that sineo tl»c AVuli of
                         Basrah airivod at and un iulerview and correspondence took plaeo between
                         him and Ja-din-bin-Tlmni on some secret-matters, I have learned from a roliablo
                         account that the said Wall lias issued orders for tho building of Zoharah and
                         placing inhabitants thero, and that Nasi r-bin-Mubarak will soltlo I hero
                         " ill* his lollowerK. On hearing this news, 1 considered it ine.uiuhcnt on mo to
                         inform you llmt the said Zoharah, from olden times, has portion of tho
                         territories of our predecessors the. At Khalecfah ; hut in these, recent times, when
                         a foreign Government (Turks) acquired supremacy over ICatar, the place
                         remained unoccupied by both sides, and now if the pbu-n is to bo built and
                         inhabited, as it was before, it will boa sourco of mischief to the neighbourhood ol
                         B dirain on account of its proximity to 13 ihrain, and tho people who will se.ltlo
                         tlinrc will be a inenaco lo Balu'.iiu. I have tlierefore to rciiuest you to look into
                         this matter; and I wish that it should remain unoccupied.
                             If it is decided to liavo the place built and inhabited, this should he through
                         us,  and those who shall inhabit tho plaeo should bo from our tribesmen mid
                         dependents, and I am certain that you are aware that it. falls within our
                         territory Ironi oMoa times. Your judgment is best in this matter. Muy God help
                         you, unit Milams 1

                                        No. 11 3, ilatoil Bushier, tho 2nlh March 18RR.
                               From—CoMiNfct. 15. C. Rom, C.S.I., Volilicat K««Ueiat in the Persian Gulf a d IKr
                                  Miijopty's Consul.Gi-uural for Furs,
                               To—Tho Socrctary to th« Government of ludin, Foreign Duparlimmt.
                            In continuation of my letter No. 107, dated I7th instant, uml telegram of
                         2llh idem, l havo tho honor to forward a copy of tho marginally noted lotlcr
                          n«. i97.o*tcd 22uj iiordi ihos.   received* from tho Assistant loU icn
                                                     Agent and Consul, Basra, regarding the
                         formation of Turkish military posts at Tauoorali and Bidu’u for iho sccuu y
                        of those, parts.

                               Krom-P c V°‘             Ui«t Mini March I88S.
                                 "Aloji'fly'u Coiisul^nasm,   'Wt"nl Political Agent and Her Britannic
                                  C«0*uUtieIi'-rol'lfur'l-W.L   ^ l>u,,un Gl,lf *n<1 JIor OriUimio Mojotly’t

                        Political 'ftuKidciit*!i^Tu iTis li°A f r ,V?k-P i,,form ,tion A doP.v <>f a report to t,l1°
                        ing military p)8t«, wilioll %A|7,l>I,a.   l;'«. dated 22nd Alnroh lb83), regard-
                        coast of Mio Persian Gulf * * *° Ur,CIJ< 1 Government is about to establish ou the
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