Page 122 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 122
Records oj Bahrain
AUGUST 1888.
Bahrain nown roportn. u 100.1^7
No. 106.
No. 207, doled Rushiro, llio 0lli July 1883.
From—Colonel E. C. lloss, C.S.I., Political Ucoidout in the Persian GulC aud Ilor
Britannic Mnjooty'a Conaul-Gcuonil for Pars,
To—Tbo Soorotnry to tlio Qovommcul of Iudia, Foreign Department.
I bavo tbo honour to submit translation of tbo marginally cited lottor
l'rom Uio fltoiiioncj Agent, iiaiirnio,No. gg, daiod from tbo Residency Agent at Bahrain on
tbe 27lh Ju.1* 1U88. tllO Subject of UlC alleged liltcnllOU of
Jasiin-bin-Muhammad Tbaul to rebuild Zobarab.
No. 107.
Translated purport of a letter from tl.o Residency Agent, Bahrain, „
to tlio Political Resident,
Persian Gulf, No. CO, dalod tlio 27lh June 1888.
Jlftcr compliments.—I beg to enclose herewith a letter which the Chief
of Bahrain has addressed, to mo, giviug nows which ho has rccoivcd about tbo
Mutaporrif of El-llasa, giviug permission to Jasim-biu-Muhammad-biii-Tliani
to build Zobarab, and that Jnsim will take steps to do so. I made enquiries
of the boarcr of tbo Chief's loiter, who is bis clerk, by name Slmrldah, as to
who brought tlio nows and whether it was true ; tbo clerk left mo and mado
enquiries and wroto to mo a noto which also I cucloso for your information.
I always malco enquiries on this subject of pcoplo who como hero from
El-IIasa aud Rata.r, but up to dato I bavo beard no news of any iutouded
movomonts of Jasim or Nasir-biu-Mubarak or their arrangomeuts for building
and-raising any works at Zobarab. But it is possiblo that some ouc liko Muharn-
mad?bin«Abdul Wahab or Mujbil know about this, and bavo communicated
the nows, to Shaikh* lisau, bocauso Mujbil showed mo this lotlor which tbo
Mutasorrif-bad.addrcsBcd to Shaikh Esau, and which is sent to you as por my.
lottor No..GO, about tbo Amir appointed for tbo Uajis; and ho noticed that tbo
lottcr is written addressed to tbo island of “ Awal." I also saw with him
another lottcr enclosed in his own, which may contain the news.
At prcsont-I have not learned of Jasim’s iutcutions for making any movo-
ment and arraugomonts for building at Zobara: Nasor-biu-Mubarak-is-at
If X bear any nows about tbo intentions of any movement and arrange
ments-for tbo building of Zobara, X will act according to your orders conveyed
m your lottcr-No. 123, dated tbo 9lh Sbaban 1305.
at El-Bidaaf’ Jasim-bin-Tham1 ?atai iho. Wali of -Basra arrived
establish a eottlomnnt n U1 gauged with him to build Zobarab and
ICacra-Makam, while llin^T* ?ia.kinq l>laco for tbo residcnco of* tbo
which should bo tbo nlnm 1,8*°J^10?S’ 'vcro to rcmain at' Nl-Bida,
Bpondcncc took placof f°r buti after that no furthor-corro-
. Accroding to what tbo Chiof of Bahrain states, Jasirn lias sont to him tlio*
principal men of tbo Na’aim tribo asking tbo Chief to send bis brothor Abmed-
bm-Ali in tbn direction of. Zobarab and Rabaijah, in-view to bccouio - friends
and ronpw friondly rolations; at tbo samo timo bo is now reported to bavo inten
tions of buudiflg at Zobarab, lyhich will giyo offunco to the Chiof of Bahrain.
Jasirn is now in a sad plight owing to tbo death of bis son : aud further,
bo doos not know, what tbo Turks may do to him and tbo inhabitants of El-
Jxatar; tlio latter nro Bedouins and own- no dato plantations or othor ldndcd
proporty, that might, corappl thorn to. palionlly bear any oppression ; and
possibly .they-may, lcayo tbo placo and go clsowboro, qs it is jutimated.