Page 126 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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452                        Records oj Bahrain

                  140                FOREIGN DEPARTMENT,

                  32 153-1G0 Rooonolllation botwoou liabrnin Chiof fa Jnnlm bln Muhammad bin Timnl.

                   districts, bccauso lio 1ms his cnomios also, who constantly watch him, and it
                  ho woro to oomo down to Omnn, mnttors will go hard with him, and ho is iu
                   foar of his own torritory. Muhamnmd-hin-Abdul Wahab thinks that this
                   matter cannot take plnco; that Jnsim and other Arabs without tho aid of Bin
                   Rnshccd aro not a match for Oman or Shaikh Zacd, and during the days of
                   Fey sal, the people of Omnn defeated tho people of Ncjd ; that ho advised Jasini
                   to liavo paticneo in his affairs and not to squander away his money among tho
                   Bedouins ; that if ho lost his monoy ho would not bo worth anything ; ho has
                   also advised him not to trust the Turks; but to trust you and act in aecordanco
                   with your views and ndvico ; that ho must coaso to writo improper letters, which
                   would always go against him, aud that Jnsim had written a good letter to you,
                   and asked him to writo to you anything ho considered proper and good.
                   Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab has told Jnsim that if ho wanted him to go to
                   tho Resident, ho would do so.
                   No. 154.
                  Translated purport of a letter from the Residency Agent, Bahrain, to the Political Resident,
                                 Persian Gulf, No. 0G, dated thn-vlsl August 1883.
                      After compliments.—I interviewed the Chief of Bahrain who told mo that
                   his brother Shaikh Ahmed had an interview with Jasiiu bin Thani at Zobarah,
                   and that they had made peace with Jasiiu and that Jasiin had written to him
                   a lottcr about what bad passed between them. The Chief sent .Tasim’s letter
                   with his Moonshi Sharccdah, for my information, aud instructed him to give me
                   copy of the samo for your information. I beg uow to enclose the copy for your

                   No. 155.
                   Translated purport of a Idler from Jasim iiin Muhammad niN Thani, to Siiaikii ISsau iii.n
                                  All Al Kjiai.klfah, dalcd the 2Glli August 1883.
                       After compliments.—By the graco of God our condition is such as will give
                   you pleasure; may God continue us and you iu the same condition, and per-
                   petuato on us tho pleasures of Islam.
                       I beg to inform you that the Almighty God brought about a meeting,
                   between mo and your brother Shaikh Ahmed bin Ali and wo both expressed to
                   each other sentiments .of reproach which we had hitherto harboured in our
                   minds; and we excused each other for what had passed and there remains no
                   ill-feeling in our minds; and we have bccomo sinccro towards each other for the
                   remainder of our lives and wo consider that wo have begun our lifo to-day; and
                   wo  liavo buried everything which passed between us bol'oro this day, specially
                   tho mutual roproach: aud ever sineo I interviewed brother Shaikh Ahmed X
                   liavo dropped the matter for his sake. If it (money) was ten times more, it
                   would not equal in value one of your foot-prints. You may bo assured now
                   that wo aro brothers. I liopo iu God that no childrcu of vilo mothers will find
                   room for mischief between us. I beg you will cxcuso mo for tho expressions
                   which I liavo used beforo this; theso wero only owing to my frieudly reproach
                   to you, and my greediness for your union and friendship. God bo praised,
                   under all tho circumstances, and for this happy hour, during which God has
                   dispelled from our minds all doubts. May you bo safe, aud kindly convoy  our
                   salams to your people.
                   No. 156.
                   Translated purport of a Idler from the Residency Agent, Bahrain, to lhe Political Resident#
                                 Persian 'Gulf, No. JOl, dated thu 2nd September 1888.
                       After compliments.—I beg to report that Abdullah bin Jnsim bin Thani
                   returned this day to ICatr. X hear that the Shaikhs of Bahrain have given m»l
                    Jour horses and clothes to him ami his 15 followers. They have also sent wit»
                   him clothes for the attendants of Jasim who had accompanied him to
                   at tho interview with Shaikh Ahmed. They have furnished him with provisio
                   for tho trip and he was conveyed iu the Shaikhs's " Mnshoa” to ICatr.
                                                                    Jisd.-W. G. U.
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