Page 125 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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Relations with Qatar, 1881-1891             451

                                   OCTOBER. 1888.                     •w

            HooooolUollon botwoon Bahrain Chlof 6c 3. .Tanim bln Muhammad bln Thanl. E 102-1G3

           •No. 162,
                         No. 27G, dated liusliiro, Uio loth Soptembor 1888.
                 From—Colonist. 12. C. Boas, C.8.I., Politicnl Resident in tho Porninn Gulf and
                         Her Brilunnio Majosly'a Coneul-Qnncral for Fare,
                 To-t-TIio Scorotniy to tho Governmont of Indin, Foreign Dopnrtmcnt.
                                                    I liavo tho lionour to cn-
            1. falter from Jsilm bln Mulnunmiul bln Thml, to IlcilJont, Perilan
           Oulf, dited '27lb Auguil 1888.         clo30 translations of tho mar­
            3. faltir from lUililencjr Agent, IJaliraln, to Ilcilrient, I’eri'nn Oulf,   ginally noted papers rolativc
           Mo. 04, «M«d aOU< AuriiiI 1888.
            3. I.tlUr from llriUleuey A vent, Uilirelu, to Uciident, l’tril»n Gulf,   to tho reconciliation effected
           Mo. 6G, d«tcd Slit Auguit 18M8.        between the Chief of Bahrain,
            4, letter from Hlmlkli J»ilm bln Miiliemmid bln Tlunl, to Sliilkh
           Ena bln All Al Khtleiftb, ditid 20lli Auguit 1888.  and Shaikh Jnsin bin Muh&.nv*
           Wo,lcd'd•l«d,?od^«l•lelnbcr^l088.^*b',*1*,, **rc"Ian0u,f’ mad bin Thaui of El Bida’a.
           No. 152A.
           Translated purport of a lettor from Jasiu-mn-Muiiamuad-din-Tuani, to the Politicnl Readout,
                            Pereinu Gull', dntud the 27th Agust 1888.
              After compliments.—I beg to inform you that rccontly an interview took
           placo between mo and Shaikh Ahractl bin Ali; as a result, a reconciliation was
          .effected between us, and nil misunderstanding, &o., lias thus been removed from
          our minds', and wo aro now on .the best friendly relations with each other. I
          hayo therefore written this letter for your information, and salaams.
           No, 153.
          Translated purport of a letter from tho llcsidoncv Arent, Bahrain, to tho Politicnl Resident,
                         Persian Gulf, No. 04>, dated tho 2l)lh August 1888.
              After compliments.—With rofcrcnco to my letter No. 93 about tho going of
          Shaikh Ahmed bin Ali to visit Shaikh Jasim at Katar, I beg to say that I met
          .Muhammad bin Abdul Wnbab, after his return with Shaikh Ahrnod to Bahrain.
          Muhammad bin Abdul Wabab told me that Shaikh Ahmed went to Zobnrah,
          whoro ho was met by Jnsim and Muhammad bin Abdul Wabab. Jasim was
          accompanied by Nnscr*bin-Jabar, with some followers. They remaiued at
          Zobarah for throe days, and they reproached each other for what had passed
          and thon through his (Muhammad Abdul Wall all’s) medium they mndo peace,
          and ontcrcd into friendly nllianco; that Jnsim gavo up nil his'claim about his
          money; and ho wroto to tho Chief of Bahrain to that effect; and that lie would
          not'roucw tho claim in futuro. Jasim sent his sou Abdulla with Shaikh Ahmed
          to Bahrain, and ho himself proceeded by sea to tho neighbourhood of Eoweirat.
          Muhammad further states that thoy hnd a discussion about tho building oL!
          Zobarah, &c., and that Jasim promised him to givo up the idea of building the
          place, and that lie wroto to the Turkish officials or tho Mutnsorif, saying there
          was no necessity to build at Zobarah, and that it was useless to do so.
              Muhammad states that Jasim wroto to tho Wali of Basrah, saying that
          tho Turkish soldiors at Katr wero not wanted Micro, and that tho people of
          ICatr wero not on good terms with them, and that lie heard mischief, aud.that
          Katr did not require such a largo number of troops; that tho Wali in roply
          informed him that ho would removo them; that thoy intend keepiug a fow
          gondnrmos nt El Bida1 a as beforo; it is also statod that tho Commandant of tho
          El Bida’a troops has written oithor to tho Wali or tho Mutascrif, saying that
          tho placo )vns not fit for tho residence of tho troops, and Micro was no sourco
          of proOt in It. ’
              Muhumraad-biu-Abdul Waliab further slates that ho confcrcd with Jasim
          nbout his movements towards Oman, and that ho showed him a letter from Bin
          Roshecd, in which ho promises him to como down, when tho weather cools, to
          Oman; hut ho thinks it is not certain that this will occur; that it is difficult
          for Bin Itashccd to do this personally. Ho may sond sorao ono ou his behalf,
          because invasion of Oman was a difficult matter ; that Bin Itashccd had suffi­
          cient work to omploy him, in looking after tho safoty of his own country aud
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