Page 121 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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Relations with Qatar, 1881-1891             447

                              No. 135, dated llio 22nd MnrcLi 1888.
                 From—P. J. C. Koukiuson, ICbcj., AGsiatuut Political Agunt and Her Britannic Ala*
                         jcidy's Cun pul, Bapra,
                 To—Tliu l’oliticul llusident in Turkiidi Arabia and IIor Britannic Mnjosty’s CuiiguI*
                         Gunurul, IJiijjIkIiuI.
              In continuation of my letter No. 123, dated 12Lh instant, notifying measures
           which llis ’Excolloncy Nnliz 1'oslm told me lie had tukon for the security of the
           Turkish waters of tho Persian Gulf, .1 have tho honor to roport Miut, whon
           1 visited llis Excellency yesterday, ho said that ho had dccidod to establish
           military posts at Jlas-oUTanoorah, at Anis (an old fort commanding tho
           entrnneo to Kutif harbour) and at Uida'a. llo said that the colloctivo garriaous
           would number 400 oflieers and men, i.c.% a battalion of regular infantry. The
           battalion to ho first sent is that Svhich has recently garrisoned Basra, and it
          will leave hero in tho corvette Zohaf as soon as repairs which that vessel is
           undergoing aro completed.
              2.  Tho Wall did not monlion Zobarah ns one of the intondod military
           posts, but X understand, from another sourco, that it will bo oue, and that a
          fort will ho built there.
              3.  1 asked llis Excellency if tho troops to he stafionod iu Katnr would bo
           under thocoutrol of Shaikh Jasim bin Thani. Llis Excellency said that Shaikh
          Jnsiru would only have power to roquirc their assistance for tho dcfcnco of his
          district, and that a chief reason for stationing a larger forco at Bida’u than olsc-
          whero was to put a stop to the raids of Shaikh Zaid-bin-Khulifah of Abu Dhabi,
          of which Shaikh Jasim complained.
              4.  Tho Sultan has, at tho Wali's instance, conferred upon Shaikh Jasim bin
          Tlmni tho title of " Mudir Istabl-cl-Aumirah," with the rank of “ Saliib-ol-
           Izzah " and a decoration.
              0. Ilufat Bey, tho nowly appointed Mu laser if of Ilasa, Icavos here for his
          district, overland via Kuwait, to-day.
                         Telegram, No. 7^0-13., datwd tho 20Lh April 1888.
                 From — Foreign Sucrulary, Simla,
                 To—Uesidenl, Uusliirc.
              Youn. tolcgrams and letters regarding Turkish proceedings. You may
          warn Ja.sim-hin-Muhammad and Nasir-bin-Mubarak that settlement at Zobarah
          cannot ho permitted. Instructions will bo sent horcaftor if necessary regarding

             Lu. r. a.*|
                               o. c. r.Mt, ouuu.-m*. ito r.   w.
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