Page 128 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 128


                         b.  The limitations of audio-visual media
                            1)  When  it  will  be  used,  the  video  equipment  must  be  readily

                                available at the place of use; and match the size and format of the
                                pica video that will be used.
                            2)  Writing  a  script  or  video  scenario  is  not  an  easy  and  time-

                                consuming job.
                            3)  Video production costs are very high, and few people can afford

                            4)  If the image on the pica video is transferred to the film, the result
                                is poor.

                            5)  Small  monitor  screens  will  limit  the  number  of  viewers  unless
                                network monitors and video projection systems are expanded.

                            6)  the number of fonts in graphics for video is limited, which is half
                                the number of graphics letters for movies/images.
                            7)  If  you  use  colour  graphics  on  a  black  and  white  TV,  be  very

                                careful.  For  example,  red  and  green  colours  with  a  specific
                                density will look the same on a black and white TV screen. As
                                much  as  possible,  try  to  make  graphics  with  black  and  white

                                colours or groups of grey.
                            8)  Rapid changes in technology have made video system limitations
                                an ongoing problem.

                    4.  Components of developing audio-visual media in making audio-visual
                        learning media.

                        These components are:
                           1)  Manuscript is a story text displayed by the players, which contains
                               learning  messages  to  be  filmed,  usually  in  the  form  of  a

                               documentary script or a dialogue script consisting of several film
                               players.  The  manuscript  is  made  by  the  teacher  concerned  in

                               consultation  with  several  other  experts,  such  as  content  experts,
                               communication experts, and others.
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