Page 131 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 131
A. Introduction
This chapter will present the steps for developing interactive learning media
in compiling learning media. There are ten steps for creating interactive learning
media, which will be explained in detail and in detail these steps.
B. Learning Objectives
After attending this lecture, students can explain the steps for developing
interactive learning media in compiling learning media.
C. Material
Until now, interactive learning media have not developed optimally in
Indonesia. One of the obstacles to creating interactive learning media is the lack of
mastery of interactive media development technology by teachers/tutors and
managers of educational institutions in Indonesia.
Learning material development software, such as Course Builder, Author
ware, and Dreamweaver, is quite complicated, so it is only controlled by computer
programmers or people proficient in the world of informatics. As a result,
developing interactive learning materials with computers is less than optimal.
The development of interactive learning media can be optimal if there is a
collaboration between computer programmers and teachers/tutors. It is perfect for a
teacher/tutor to master computer programs if you want the ideal. The purpose of
this training material is to make interactive learning media easy, even for people
who are computer-blind.
1. Definition of Interactive Multimedia
According to Munir (2012:2) "multimedia comes from the words multi
and media. Multi- comes from Latin, which means many or various kinds, while
the word media comes from Latin, namely medium, which means intermediary
or used to deliver, convey or carry something. Medium in American Heritage
Electronic Dictionary (in Munir, 2012:2) is described as a tool for distributing
and presenting the information. Based on that, multimedia is a combination of
various media (file formats) in the form of text, images (vector or bitmap),
graphics, sound, animation, video, interaction, and others that have been
packaged into digital files (computerized), used for conveying or deliver