Page 134 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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provide the learning desired by the learner. So that when a person finishes
running a program, he will feel he has learned something.
3. Media Functions in Learning Communication
In essence, learning is a process of communication between teachers
and students. As communicants in the above learning are students,
communicators are teachers and students, according to the principles of modern
education. Suppose a group of students communicates to other students, and the
teacher is a director or mentor. In that case, there will be an interactive process
with a high level of student activity. The communication processes that may
occur during the learning process are:
a. one-way communication,
in this case, the contact in question only occurs from the teacher to
the students. Because the above contact only occurs from the teacher to
students, this communication model has the following characteristics:
(a) The level of student activity is low, (b) as communicators are only
teachers, (c) as communicants are students, and (d) if learning occurs
by demonstration, the teacher's activities are more likely to be
b. Two-way communication (bidirectional)
These two directions are between teachers and students or between
students and teachers. Some of the characteristics of this two-way
communication include: (a) student activities have begun to appear, (b)
both teachers and students can act as communicators, and (c) if
learning occurs by demonstration, the teacher's activities will be more
varied in using methods.
c. Multidirectional (multidirectional) communication
namely between teachers and students, students and students, or
between students and teachers. Some characteristics of multidirectional
communication include: (a) high levels of student activity, (b) teachers
and students can be communicators, (c) learning will occur more
variedly, (d) demonstration function is not only demonstration but will