Page 132 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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messages to the public. Based on the opinion of Tolhurst, Neo & Neo (2004:
119) states that "Multimedia, defined, is the combination of various digital
media types such as text, images, sound, and video, into an integrated
multisensory interactive application or presentation to convey a message or
information to an audience. Warsita (2008:153) also defines "multimedia as a
combination of many media or at least consisting of more than one media." A
multimedia is a computer equipped with a solid disc player (CD-player), sound
card, and loudspeaker that can process motion pictures, audio, and high-
resolution graphics. In line with the two previous opinions, Ahmadi and
friends.(Gilakjani, Ismail, and Ahmadi 2011, 2011) "multimedia is media that
combines two or more media elements consisting of text, graphics, images,
photos, audio, video, and animation in an integrated manner." Multimedia is
divided into two categories, namely: linear multimedia and interactive
Linear multimedia is multimedia that is not equipped with any
controller that can be operated by the user. This multimedia runs sequentially
(sequentially), for example, TV and movies. Interactive multimedia is equipped
with a controller that can be operated by the user so that the user can choose
who he wants for the following process.
2. Learning Media
Media is a tool that can convey messages (Bovee, 1997). Learning
media is a tool that serves to convey learning messages. Learning is a
communication process between learners, teachers, and teaching materials.
Communication will not run without the help of getting messages or media.
Stimulus forms can be used as media, including human relationships or
interactions, reality; moving pictures or not; recorded writing, and voice. These
five forms of stimulus will help students learn the learning material. However,
getting all five forms at one time or place is difficult.
Computer technology is an invention that allows presenting some or all
of the above forms of stimulus so that learning will be more optimal. However,
the problems that arise are not as easy as imagined. A teacher is a person who