Page 136 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 136


                       a.  Multimedia Learning Presentation:
                              A tool for educators in the learning process in the classroom and

                           does not replace educators as a whole. In the form of pointers to the
                           material presented (explicit knowledge) and can be added with linear
                           multimedia  in  the  form  of  films  and  videos  to  strengthen  students'

                           understanding.  Can  be developed with  presentation  software  such  as
                           OpenOffice Impress, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc.

                       b.  Self-Learning Multimedia
                              Learning  software  can  be  used  by  students  independently  or
                           without the help of educators. Self-learning multimedia must be able to

                           combine  explicit  knowledge  (written  knowledge  in  books,  articles,
                           etc.)  and  tacit  knowledge  (know-how,  rule  of  thumb,  educator

                           experience). Of course, because it replaces educators, there must be an
                           assessment  feature  for  exercises,  exams,  and  simulations,  including
                           problem-solving  stages.  You  can  use  software  such  as  Macromedia

                           Authorware, Macromedia director, or Adobe Flash for complex levels.
                           We  can  also  use  easy  software  such  as  OpenOffice  Impress  or
                           Microsoft PowerPoint, as long as we want to be observant and smart in

                           using various animation effects and features in both software.
                   5.  Determine The Theme Of Teaching Materials
                          Take the theme of teaching materials that we think are very helpful in

                   increasing students' understanding and interest if we use multimedia. Remember
                   that  our  main  goal  in  creating  learning  multimedia  is  to  improve  students'

                   performance. Don't get caught up in transferring books to digital media because
                   this makes it difficult for students. When a biology educator wants to describe a
                   type of plant so that students can understand it, and it turns out to be challenging

                   to  do  (because  educators  can't  draw  on  a  computer,  etc.),  then  don't do  it.  It
                   would be better if the tree was brought directly to the front of the class. This is

                   an  example  of  how  learning  media  does  not  have  to  be  with  information
                   technology.  In  educator  certification,  learning  media  such  as  trees,  dried
                   cockroaches, etc., still gets significant scoring points.
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