Page 140 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 140
effects, animations, links, backgrounds, and more. You can also move
symbols and text simultaneously by selecting the available products
and poses.
After editing, you can immediately publish it to YouTube,
Facebook and others. You can also save or export in other formats,
such as MP4, PDF, and PPT. You can use Powtoon directly from the web or its mobile app.
Pros: 1). Can make learning more exciting and interactive; 2). Its
practical use; 3). Has interesting characters and animations; 4).
Stimulates various senses (sight and hearing); 4). Can be used in large
groups and collaboratively; 5). Can provide feedback.
Weaknesses: 1). Too short duration; 2). The manufacturing process
must be connected to the internet; 3). Cannot be given background
music; 4). Requires more creativity so that the results are more
c. Prezi
Prezi is an application (software) for creating and managing
presentations online. Prezi has similarities to PowerPoint and Google
Slides applications. One of Prezi's main features is using the Zooming
User Interface (ZUI), which allows you to zoom in and out of
presentation media flexibly and dynamically. You also have the option
to create presentations in linear mode. The linear method has a
sequential slide characteristic.
Prezi can be used online as well as offline. You can directly visit, while for offline access, you need to install the master first.
Prezi's main features include Prezi Present (for presentations), Prezi
Video (for interactive videos), and Prezi Design (for design). By using
Prezi, it is hoped that it can make your online kbm more exciting and
Pros: 1). Display themes and templates that are more varied than
PPT; 2). More interesting and interactive because it uses ZUI