Page 142 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 142


                           materials,  add  sample  practice  questions,  insert  pictures  and  videos,
                           and more.

                              Pros: 1). Easy to use by anyone 2). Multifunctional, which can be
                           used to create websites, E-Learning content, quizzes, etc.; 3). Provides
                           an  extensive  library  of  templates,  clipart,  and  effects;  4).  Can  be

                           published  in  various  image,  audio,  and  video  formats;  5).  A  unique
                           feature for making flash-based games is accompanied by an evaluation

                              Weaknesses:   1).   Requires   pretty   good   computer/laptop
                           specifications;  2).  Supporting  media  is  quite  expensive;  3).  The

                           effectiveness of media use depends on the material and the presenter.
                       f.  Sigil

                              Is an application used to create and manage digital books (eBooks).
                           This  application  is  not  only  free  but  also  has  full  features.  You  can
                           develop  an  exciting  eBook,  so  students  are  more  motivated  to  read.

                           Sigil  is  one  of  the  most  widely  used  Epub  (electronic  publications)
                           because it is easy to use. Sigil also supports various formats such as
                           text, audio, and video images that can be embedded in digital books to

                           make  them  more  interactive.  The  supported  formats,  such  as  Epub,
                           HTML, and others, are also complete.
                              You  can  include  materials,  quizzes,  videos,  audio,  practice

                           questions for elementary school and above, and other content in your
                           digital  book  to  make  it  more  interesting.  Sigil  can  be  accessed  via

                           desktop applications, browsers, and mobile devices. You can open the
                           eBook output through various digital book reader applications.
                              Pros:  1).  Supports  various  formats;  2).  Output  can  be  read  on

                           multiple platforms (mobile and desktop); 3). Open Source;4). Easy to
                           use  and  can  change  the  look  working  screen;  5).  Has  translation

                           facilities; 6). Easy, inexpensive, and portable publication.
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