Page 154 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 154


                       initiator, (6) as a transmitter, (7) as a facilitator, (8) as a mediator, (9) as an

                   5.  Concept Tutorial
                           Tutorials are a process of providing help and tutoring from someone to
                       others,  both  individually  and  in  groups.  In  this  concept,  tutorials  are

                       learning  services  that  allow  the  learning  process  to  occur  with  different
                       characteristics,  such  as  lecturers  who  function  as  facilitators  of  learning

                       activities,  not as teachers. The types of tutorials are face-to-face  tutorials
                       (TTM) and online tutorials.
                         a.  Face-to-Face tutorial

                            In this program, all courses are given face-to-face tutorial guidance.
                         b.  Tutorial Online

                              This tutorial is carried out with the help of a computer network. An
                            online  tutorial  model  is  a  tutorial  model  that  uses  a  computer
                            network. The material is given in the form of a tutorial script that can

                            be accessed anywhere the student and students in the form of without
                            having to tap face with the tutor. In this model, the tutor must prepare
                            a  tutorial  script  that  allows  interaction  between  the  tutor  and  the

                            student.  In  addition,  the  active  participation  of  students  is  also
                            essential because it affects the final value of the tutorial.
                   6.  Advantages and Disadvantages of Blended Learning

                         a.  Pros of blended learning:

                         b.  Learning  occurs  independently  and  conventionally,  both  of  which
                            have advantages that can complement each other.
                         c.  Learning is more effective and efficient.

                         d.  Improve accessibility. With blended learning, it is easier for students
                            to access learning materials.
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