Page 152 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 152
communicate relatively easily without being limited to protocolary
f. Utilizing the advantages of computers (digital media and computer
g. Using self-learning materials stored on a computer so that it can be
accessed by teachers and students without it and anywhere if the
person concerned needs it.
h. Utilizing lesson schedules, curricula, learning progress outcomes, and
matters related to educational administration can be viewed at any time
on a computer.
The development of Blended Learning reveals that there are three
possibilities in the development of an internet-based learning system,
a. Web courses are the use of the internet for educational purposes, where
students and teachers are entirely separate, and face-to-face meetings
are no need.
b. The web-centric course is the use of the internet that combines distance
and face-to-face (conventional) learning.
c. The web-enhanced course model uses the internet to support improving
the quality of learning in the classroom.
There are three positive impacts of internet use in education: (1)
learners can easily take courses anywhere in the world without the limits of
intuition or national borders. (2) learners can quickly learn from experts in
the field of interest. (3) lectures/studies can be quickly taken in various
parts of the world without relying on the university/school where the
student is studying.
4. Blended Learning Procedures in Learning
Improving teacher qualifications is one of the priorities of the
Indonesian government. This is a form of realization of the Law on teachers
and lecturers no.14/2005, which requires teachers to have a minimum
qualification of S1 and have a certificate as a teacher. Currently, there are